Ponoć wymyślili coś takiego jak "mincecore". Może i tak, ale chuj mnie to obchodzi, ważne że napierdalają pojebanie brutalny grind dla rynsztokowców.
The Prince of Mince - Bass, Drums, Guitars, Vocals Electro Quarterstaff, Extremely Brutal, Flesh Hoot, Necrotic Liquefaction, Regurgitated Guts, Sabbatory, Ulfur Skogur, Cross Rage, Loutish, Skeleton (Can), Skunk (Can), ex-Agathocles (live), ex-Bodies Lay Broken (live), ex-Parfumerie, ex-Cetascean, ex-Crumpled Mumbler, ex-Under Pressure, ex-Violent Gorge
Joe Warkentin - Guitars, Vocals Agathaumas, Inexcrete, Raw Addict, Regurgitated Guts, Cannibalism, Fashion Bathers, Frenulum, Gourmet, Meatus, Phobe, Screaming Feast, Skunk, Vomitoxin, ex-Parfumerie, ex-Dome (live), ex-Christmas, ex-Hot Live Guys, ex-Kevin Evanachko, ex-Rock Lake, ex-Sanitized Death, ex-The High Thunderers, ex-Violent Gorge
Ripley Morden - Guitars (2019-present) Flesh Hoot, Mental Mutilation, ex-Putrescence, Flash Out, Gourmet, Horrible Pain, ex-Growth
▼ Byli muzycy
Niteskool - Bass ex-Happy Birthday, ex-No Question
Cam Popham - Bass ex-Skeleton, ex-Under Pressure, ex-Violent Gorge
Brad Skibinsky - Drums Head Hits Concrete, ex-Kursk, ex-Wolbachia
Joe Belanger - Drums ex-Parfumerie, Horrible Pain, ex-Hallucinosis, ex-Violent Gorge, ex-Lt. Dan (live)
Craig Boychuk - Drums Dreaming City, Head Hits Concrete, L'viv, Masseuse, Prague, The Blasphenaut, The Bottle Cats, W. City Heat
Andy Sanchez - Drums Bad Year, Drainage, Lege Si Ordine, Nak'ay, Vomitkvlt, ex-Dome, Code of Violence, ex-Radiation Vomit, ex-Malpractice Insurance (live), ex-Swamp Squat (live), ex-Hemdale, ex-Nuclear Hellfrost, ex-Bob Denver, ex-Hang Ten, ex-Parasitic Twins, ex-Shitlist, ex-Boddicker (live), ex-Karloff (live)
Morgan Paradis - Unknown ex-ASRA, ex-Praetura, ex-Dead Dogs, ex-Fuckmorgue, ex-Kursk, ex-Scrapping the Genome
Cam Popham - Bass ex-Skeleton, ex-Under Pressure, ex-Violent Gorge
Brad Skibinsky - Drums Head Hits Concrete, ex-Kursk, ex-Wolbachia
Joe Belanger - Drums ex-Parfumerie, Horrible Pain, ex-Hallucinosis, ex-Violent Gorge, ex-Lt. Dan (live)
Craig Boychuk - Drums Dreaming City, Head Hits Concrete, L'viv, Masseuse, Prague, The Blasphenaut, The Bottle Cats, W. City Heat
Andy Sanchez - Drums Bad Year, Drainage, Lege Si Ordine, Nak'ay, Vomitkvlt, ex-Dome, Code of Violence, ex-Radiation Vomit, ex-Malpractice Insurance (live), ex-Swamp Squat (live), ex-Hemdale, ex-Nuclear Hellfrost, ex-Bob Denver, ex-Hang Ten, ex-Parasitic Twins, ex-Shitlist, ex-Boddicker (live), ex-Karloff (live)
Morgan Paradis - Unknown ex-ASRA, ex-Praetura, ex-Dead Dogs, ex-Fuckmorgue, ex-Kursk, ex-Scrapping the Genome
▼ Muzycy koncertowi
Tyler Akis - Drums Six Brew Bantha, Collagen
2005 - Mincecore Demo 2005 [demo]
2006 - Sick Life / Gate to Unholy Grave [split]
2006 - Live Murder / Archagathus [split]
2007 - Sad Monkey / Bastard Breed [split]
2007 - Trasgression / Who Do You Believe? [split]
2008 - Archagathus / Hallucinosis [split]
2008 - Archagathus / World of Starvation [split]
2008 - Deaf Grind Gourmet [split]
2008 - Grinding Gorepression [split]
2008 - Mince to Death [split]
2008 - World Wide Devastation [split]
2008 - Slaughter-Extinction / Ucuz Can Pazarı [split]
2009 - Agathocles / Archagathus [split]
2009 - Raw Grind Whirlwind of Doom [split]
2009 - Archagathus / Death Toll 80k [split]
2009 - The Roomrate Includes a Rotten Roommate / Terrible Human [split]
2009 - Mincing Raw (Demos/Live) [kompilacja]
2010 - Atrocious Halitosis from Nauseated Disgorging
2010 - Nauseating Grindcore Degenerates [split]
2010 - Archagathus / Wojtyła [split]
2010 - Axed Up Conformist / Hellish Fury Unleashed [split]
2010 - Putrescence / Archagathus [split]
2010 - Infektiöser Montag Mit Costa Cosanostra Und Archagathus [split]
2010 - Mincecore Fever: 7" Anthology 2005-2010 [kompilacja]
2010 - Grotesque Organ Defilement / Archagathus [split]
2010 - Archagathus / Foible Instinct [split]
2011 - Archagathus / ... Back to the Caves [split]
2011 - Archagathus / Vex [split]
2011 - Economic Growth / Who's the Real Monster? [split]
2011 - Ghoulish Nightmare Grinders [split]
2011 - Coffee Grinder
2011 - Canadian Horse
2011 - No Need - Just Greed / Camphora Monobromata [split]
2012 - Agonizer / Remove the Mask [split]
2012 - Raw Shit / Pizza Hi Five [split]
2012 - Destruction of Life / Cats, Frogs, Ducks and Dogs [split]
2012 - Mince Drunk Kill Weed [split]
2013 - Archagathagorgagarchy [split]
2013 - Archagathus / Bestial Vomit [split]
2013 - Archagathus / Camphora Monobromata / Rotocles / Morbidity [split]
2013 - Archagathus / Compost [split]
2013 - Archagathus / Violent Gorge [split]
2013 - Horrendous Insanity Atrocity Why?? / No Thought [split]
2013 - Archagathus / Soil of Ignorance [split]
2013 - 3 Times Tortured... ...but Still Alive [split]
2013 - Archagathus / Nak'ay [split]
2013 - Archagathus / Suffering Mind [split]
2014 - Dehumanizer
2014 - 3 Way Split Tape [split]
2014 - Archagathus / Dead Issue [split]
2014 - Archagathus / Sete Star Sept / Diseksa / Terlarang [split]
2014 - Mincecrusher [split]
2014 - Archagathus / Questionable Characters [split]
2014 - Mincing Raw 2 Live Shit [live]
2014 - Archagathus / Fungating Soft Tissue Sarcoma [split]
2014 - Archagathus / Paucities [split]
2014 - Archagathus / Parazitózis [split]
2015 - Self Deconstruction / Archagathus [split]
2015 - Archagathus / Sordo [split]
2015 - Hair Summer - Alcoholic Dresser [EP]
2016 - Archagathus / Sram [split]
2016 - Archagathus / Rust [split]
2016 - Archagathus / Nahu [split]
2016 - Archagathus / Horrendous Whirlwind Grindcore Fiends [split]
2017 - Baltimore [demo]
2017 - Archagathus / Haggus [split]
2017 - Cold Universe [EP]
2018 - Nauseate / Camphora Monobromata / Archagathus [split]
2019 - Archagathus / J.M. Churchill [split]
2020 - Archagathus / Transferred to Ward 13 [split]
2021 - Just a Statistic [single]
2021 - Archagathus / New York Against the Belzebu [split]
Najebane w ciul różnych splitów, ale ja polecam zapoznać się z nimi poprzez ostatni album Dehumanizer:
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Ar ... 3540494082
BC: https://archagathus.bandcamp.com/music