Fińska horda założona w 1994 r., wcześniej jeszcze chwilę funkcjonująca pod nazwą Shadowed. Zespół hołduje i prezentuje klasyczny w formie skandynawski black metal w starym stylu lat 90. Nie ma tu nic odkrywczego, czy też wyjątkowego. Ja osobiście lubię i chętnie wracam. Z poziomem bywa różnie, ale jako że wypuścili naprawdę mnóstwo materiałów, to sądzę że większość wielbicieli gatunku znajdzie tu coś dla siebie. Skład zresztą też dość mocno ulegał na przestrzeni lat zmianom, dlatego choć jest tu cały czas korzenny, że tak to ujmę black metal, to jednak co nieco się różni na poszczególnych wydawnictwach.
Dorzucam dla ciekawych wywiad stosunkowo aktualny z Rautą:
Shatraug - Guitars, Vocals (backing) (1994-present), Keyboards (1997-1998), Bass (1999, 2002-2006) Doedsvangr, Finnentum, Gandr, Hoath, Mortualia, My Torments, Necroslut, Sargeist, Striges, Vordr, Vritra, Nightbringer (live), ex-Black Stench, ex-Foudre Noire, ex-Mirkhall, ex-Skullcrusher, ex-Tyrannium, ex-Vearmraev, ex-Aytnachr, ex-Deathmoon Covenance, ex-Metal Phallus, ex-Morbid Savouring, ex-Sinisterite, ex-Uhraus, ex-Battle, ex-Blutschrei, ex-Behexen, ex-Drowning the Light (live), ex-Eternum, ex-Vornat (live), ex-Ravening, ex-Demonic Christ (live), ex-Luotteet, ex-Occult Suffering, ex-Reprobatus, ex-Rutger-H, ex-Seer of Curses
Infection - Bass (2002-2008), Guitars, Vocals (backing) (2008-present) Ajattara, Behexen, Bythos, Chamber of Unlight (live), Hoath (live), ex-Obscurant, ex-Sotajumala, ex-Unveiled, ex-Alghazanth, ex-Black Sun Aeon (live)
Spellgoth - Vocals (2009-present) sg.7, Trollheims Grott, Baptism (live), Chamber of Unlight (live), ex-Black Death Ritual, ex-Prevalent Resistance, Slave's Mask, ex-Darkwoods My Betrothed, ex-Peste Noire, ex-Grieve, ex-Turmion Kätilöt
LRH - Drums (2016-present) Bythos, Chamber of Unlight, Deathchain, Forgotten Horror, Striges, Trollheims Grott, Baptism (live), Demilich (live), ex-Black Death Ritual, ex-Darkwoods My Betrothed, ex-Demonic Christ (live)
VnoM - Bass (2018-present) Cryptborn, Hoath, Phlegein, True Black Dawn, Chamber of Unlight (live), ex-Maveth, ex-Wounded Ways, ex-Archgoat, ex-Lie in Ruins (live)
▼ Byli muzycy
Gorthaur - Drums (1994-2003, 2005) ex-Battlelore, ex-Khert-Neter
Moredhel - Guitars (1994-1998), Bass (1995-2000) Battlelore, Byron, Fimir, ex-Church of Void, Sisäilmaongelma, ex-Khert-Neter, ex-Vornat (live)
Nazgul von Armageddon - Vocals (1996-2001), Keyboards (1999) Gestapo 666, Heavy Cross, Infernal Darkness, Knife, Krüel Kömmando, Orlok, Satanic Warmaster, Satanist Terrorist, The True Werwolf, Vargrav, Vritrahn-Werwolf, Xulilitu, Warloghe (live), ex-Armour, ex-Blasphemous Evil, ex-Blutrache, ex-Grieve, ex-Incriminated, ex-Pest, ex-Shatargat, ex-Skullcrusher, ex-Bestial Noise, ex-Satanael, ex-Vomitfago, ex-Krieg, ex-White Death, ex-Goatmoon (live), ex-Mental Terror, ex-Opferblut
Skratt - Bass, Keyboards (1997-1998) ex-Pest, ex-Goatmoon (live)
A.T. Otava - Bass (1998), Guitars (1999-2000, 2000-2003)
Vrasjarn - Bass (2000-2001) Profetus, Ymir, Tyranny (live), ex-Mirkhall, ex-Ravine, ex-Mental Terror, ex-Khert-Neter, ex-Ravening
Corvus - Vocals (2002-2009) Korgonthurus, ex-Totalselfhatred, ex-Sear
Saturnus - Guitars (2003-2007) Totalselfhatred, ex-Der Tod, ex-Nocti Vagus, ex-Die Pest, ex-Nordwind, ex-Korgonthurus, ex-Nordlys, ex-Fjell, ex-Days of Saturn, ex-Elfenwald, ex-Orkburg
Vainaja - Drums (2006-2016) Adaestuo, Vitsaus, ex-Cornigr, ex-Sargeist, ex-Saturnian Mist, ex-Neutron Hammer
Lord Sargofagian - Drums (2007) Baptism, Valonsurma, ex-Ravine, ex-Trotzreich, ex-Black Death Ritual, ex-Calvarium, ex-Uncreation's Dawn, ex-Ymir, ex-Behexen (live)
Hex Inferi - Bass (2012-2018) Kryptamok, Musta Messias, Necromonastery, Scorngrain, Torso, Nightside (live), ex-Vordven
Moredhel - Guitars (1994-1998), Bass (1995-2000) Battlelore, Byron, Fimir, ex-Church of Void, Sisäilmaongelma, ex-Khert-Neter, ex-Vornat (live)
Nazgul von Armageddon - Vocals (1996-2001), Keyboards (1999) Gestapo 666, Heavy Cross, Infernal Darkness, Knife, Krüel Kömmando, Orlok, Satanic Warmaster, Satanist Terrorist, The True Werwolf, Vargrav, Vritrahn-Werwolf, Xulilitu, Warloghe (live), ex-Armour, ex-Blasphemous Evil, ex-Blutrache, ex-Grieve, ex-Incriminated, ex-Pest, ex-Shatargat, ex-Skullcrusher, ex-Bestial Noise, ex-Satanael, ex-Vomitfago, ex-Krieg, ex-White Death, ex-Goatmoon (live), ex-Mental Terror, ex-Opferblut
Skratt - Bass, Keyboards (1997-1998) ex-Pest, ex-Goatmoon (live)
A.T. Otava - Bass (1998), Guitars (1999-2000, 2000-2003)
Vrasjarn - Bass (2000-2001) Profetus, Ymir, Tyranny (live), ex-Mirkhall, ex-Ravine, ex-Mental Terror, ex-Khert-Neter, ex-Ravening
Corvus - Vocals (2002-2009) Korgonthurus, ex-Totalselfhatred, ex-Sear
Saturnus - Guitars (2003-2007) Totalselfhatred, ex-Der Tod, ex-Nocti Vagus, ex-Die Pest, ex-Nordwind, ex-Korgonthurus, ex-Nordlys, ex-Fjell, ex-Days of Saturn, ex-Elfenwald, ex-Orkburg
Vainaja - Drums (2006-2016) Adaestuo, Vitsaus, ex-Cornigr, ex-Sargeist, ex-Saturnian Mist, ex-Neutron Hammer
Lord Sargofagian - Drums (2007) Baptism, Valonsurma, ex-Ravine, ex-Trotzreich, ex-Black Death Ritual, ex-Calvarium, ex-Uncreation's Dawn, ex-Ymir, ex-Behexen (live)
Hex Inferi - Bass (2012-2018) Kryptamok, Musta Messias, Necromonastery, Scorngrain, Torso, Nightside (live), ex-Vordven
▼ Muzycy koncertowi
Thaukhnifur - Bass (1996) ex-Vornat, ex-Superdeathflame
Qraken - Bass (2008-2013) Battlegoat, Outlaw, Rautavaris, ex-The Wandering Midget, ex-Bloodshrine, ex-Funeral Oath, Anvil Strykez, ex-Serpent Warning, ex-White Death (live)
Qraken - Bass (2008-2013) Battlegoat, Outlaw, Rautavaris, ex-The Wandering Midget, ex-Bloodshrine, ex-Funeral Oath, Anvil Strykez, ex-Serpent Warning, ex-White Death (live)
1995 - Varjoissa [demo]
1997 - Hiidentorni [demo]
1998 - Kohti yhdeksän nousua
1999 - Haudankylmyyden mailla
1999 - Sota [EP]
1999 - Perimä vihassa ja verikostossa / Whispered Myths [split]
2000 - Perimä vihassa ja verikostossa [EP]
2000 - Horna / Musta Surma [split]
2001 - Hiidentorni / Kohti yhdeksän nousua / Perimä vihassa ja verikostossa / Ordo Regnum Sathanas [kompilacja]
2001 - Sudentaival
2002 - Musta Surma / Horna [split]
2002 - Korpin hetki [EP]
2002 - Risti ja ruoska [EP]
2003 - Horna / Desolation Triumphalis [split]
2003 - Tästä alkavat minun vuoteni / Live Invocation [split]
2003 - Viha ja viikate [EP]
2004 - Black Metal Warfare - Goat Guts over Hengelo [live]
2004 - Horna / Woods of Infinity [split]
2004 - Ordo Regnum Sathanas [kompilacja]
2004 - Talismaani [EP]
2004 - Horna / Behexen [split]
2004 - Vuohipaimen [EP]
2005 - Vihan vuodet [split]
2005 - Goatfucking Gent / Vivicomburium [split]
2005 - Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne
2005 - Unohdetut kasvot, unohdettu ääni / Un sogno oscuro [split]
2005 - Horna / Blackdeath [split]
2006 - Ilman arvoa ja arkkua / Κιναιδος [split]
2006 - Kun synkkä ikuisuus avautuu [kompilacja]
2006 - Ääniä yössä
2007 - Horna / Sacrificia Mortuorum [split]
2007 - Sotahuuto
2007 - Pimeyden hehku [EP]
2007 - Horna / Peste Noire [split]
2008 - Sanojesi äärelle
2009 - Musta kaipuu [kompilacja]
2009 - Herran edessä [EP]
2009 - Horna / Nefarious [split]
2009 - Vihan tiellä [live]
2011 - Adventus Satanae [EP]
2013 - Askel lähempänä Saatanaa
2014 - Horna / Den Saakaldte [split]
2014 - Demonic Christ / Horna [split]
2015 - Hengen tulet
2015 - Atavistic Resurgence [split]
2016 - Live Armageddon 1999-2000 [live]
2018 - Kuolleiden kuu [EP]
2018 - Horna / Pure [split]
2018 - Kasteessa kirottu [kompilacja]
2020 - Kuoleman kirjo
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Horna/3231
BC: https://woodcutrecords.bandcamp.com/music
BC: https://horna666.bandcamp.com/music