Francuska załoga nie biorąca jeńców. Czyste zło, przemoc i nienawiść ubrane w black metalowe dźwięki. Kanonady blastów, świetne wokale i teksty MkM'a i piłujące riffy Seta. Na koncie 3 doskonałe albumy, a w tym roku, po ok. 10 letniej przerwie właśnie ukazał się nowy album "Condemnation". Właśnie go odsłuchałem i choć nie rozjebał mnie na atomy tak jak mój faworyt "Blood Libels" to jednak jest to kawał bardzo dobrego soczystego black metalowego łojenia bez zbędnych dodatków. Moim skromnym zdaniem ten zespół to czołówka black metalu z kraju żabojadów.
MkM - Vocals (1994-present) Aosoth, Martröð, ex-Tenebrare, Haceldama, ex-Temple of Baal, ex-Deviant, ex-Tragos Adein, ex-Garwall
Set - Guitars (1998-present) ex-Aosoth, ex-Ritualization, ex-Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition, ex-Aes Dana
Nash - Keyboards
Black Priest - Bass (1994)
Storm - Drums (1994-2003) ex-Arkhon Infaustus, ex-Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition, ex-Aes Dana
Antaeus - Guitars (1994-1999), Vocals (1994-1995) ex-Tragos Adein
Kheer - Bass (1995-1996)
Philipe - Bass (1996)
Amduscias - Guitars (1996, 2008-2009) Bloodoffer, Bran Barr, Conviction, Temple of Baal, ex-Banished Spirits, ex-Fly Strike, ex-Silver Machine
Sagoth - Bass (1999-2003) End of Mankind, ex-Eternal Majesty, ex-Aosoth, ex-Reverence, ex-Ancestral Fog
Thorgon - Guitars (1999-2003) End of Mankind, ex-Eternal Majesty, ex-Aosoth, ex-Deviant
LSK - Bass (2003-2008) (R.I.P. 2013) ex-Epic, ex-Love Lies Bleeding, ex-Bran Barr, ex-Hell Militia, ex-Secrets of the Moon, ex-Vorkreist, ex-Corpus Christii (live), ex-Goat Torment (live), ex-Merrimack (live)
ZVN - Drums (2003-2006) Necroblaspheme, ex-Domini Inferii
Servus - Guitars (2003-2006) ex-Deathcode of the Abyss
Saroth - Guitars Cruxifiction, Goat Torment, Hell Militia, Temple of Baal, The Order of Apollyon, Nargaroth (live), Valhôll, ex-Aosoth (live)
INRVI - Bass (2011-?) VI, ex-Deus Despectum, ex-Aosoth
Blastum - Drums (2011-?) Merrimack, Purge, Ritualization, VI, Osculum Infame (live), ex-Ingens, ex-Terminal War, ex-Chaos, Grist, ex-Aosoth
BST - Guitars (2011-2015) Genital Grinder, The Order of Apollyon, VI, Temple of Baal (live), ex-Balrog, ex-Aborted, ex-Aosoth, ex-Maleficentia, ex-Livarkahil (live), ex-Garwall
Wrath Sathariel Diabolus - Bass (2014) Birth A.D., Imprecation, Trenchant, Death Wolf (live), ex-Averse Sefira, ex-Krieg (live)
1996 - Y.A.T.B.O.T.W. [demo]
1996 - Supremacist Dawn [demo]
1998 - Promo 1998 [demo]
1998 - Eternal Majesty / Antaeus [split]
1999 - Nihil Khaos - Live '99 [live]
1999 - Rekordin 2000 - 1 [EP]
2000 - Cut Your Flesh and Worship Satan
2001 - Satanik Audio Violence Helloween 2000 [live]
2001 - Reverse Voices of the Dead / Devil Eyes [split]
2001 - SPK Kommando [split]
2002 - Aosoth / Antaeus [split]
2002 - De Principii Evangelikum
2003 - Krieg vs. Antaeus [split]
2004 - Rot [EP]
2005 - From the Entrails to the Dirt [split]
2006 - Blood Libels
2009 - Antaeus / Katharsis [split]
2014 - Satanic Audio Violence 2013 - Live at Wolf Throne Festival [live]
2016 - Condemnation