Disharmony istniało w latach 1990-95 i parało się black death metalem w takich samych rejonach co wczesny Rotting Christ i Varathron.
Nagrali trzy demosy, które dzięki dobremu brzmieniu pozwalały ocenić potencjał zespołu. W dosyć sporym składzie bo grali nawet w 6-7 zdarzały się trzy gitary i dwa basy. Rodzima Molon Lave miała wydać im debiutancki album ale skończyło się tylko na EP'ce The Gate of Deeper Sleep. W 1995 roku zespół zawiesił działalność.
Niedawno gdzieś mignęło mi info o płycie Disharmony więc sprawdziłem u źródła czy to aby na pewno to Disharmony i okazało się, że w marcu tego roku grecy wydali swój debiut, na którym odegrali to co najlepsze w początkowych nagraniach innych greckich bogów. Mamy więc greckie brzmienie, mocne wokale, ciekawe melodie, melodeklamacje, pianino, klawisze i wszystko to co charakteryzowało tę scenę.
Damien King ΙΙΙ - Vocals, Bass (1990-1995), Guitars (1992), Guitars, Bass (2014-2016), Vocals (2014-present) Decadence
Markhor - Bass (2019-present) Funeral Storm, Karkinos, Alcath, Aphorism, Nano Infect, Neural Embryonic, SynthetiC, ex-Archaeos, ex-Erebus Dominion, ex-Gospel of Grief, ex-Impenetrable Darkness, ex-Lykaionas, ex-Mors in Tabula, ex-Sadolust, ex-Mortuus Sum, ex-Serpent Path, ex-Condemned, ex-Darkness Within, ex-Dunkelheit (Grc), ex-Panic-Striken, ex-Raven Throne (Grc)
▼ Byli muzycy
Christus - Drums (1990-1992)
Cursed Pharaoh - Guitars (1990-1994, 2014-2016)
Blind Priest - Drums (1992-1994) ex-Nordor
Alex M. - Unknown (1992)
Sykelig - Guitars (1993-1994, 2014-2016) Den Saakaldte, ex-Naer Mataron, ex-Gorgoroth (live), ex-Paradigma, ex-Nar Mataron, ex-Nuctemeron
The Unholy Rapist - Guitars (1993) ex-Agatus, ex-Erevos
The Mystery - Keyboards (1993)
Shadow - Bass (2016)
Echetleos - Bass (2016-?) Caedes Cruenta, Ithaqua, Kawir, Nekydaimon, Opus Magorum, Walpurgia, ex-Archemoron, ex-Nargothrond
Grim Reaper - Drums (2016)
Maelstrom - Drums (2016-?) Caedes Cruenta, Dephosphorus, Embrace of Thorns, End, Mentally Defiled, Nigredo, Principality of Hell, Profane Prayer, Saboter, Shadowmass, Thou Art Lord, Vacantfield, Violent Definition, Nergal (live), Slaughtered Priest (live), ex-Cross Denied, ex-Heavensore, ex-Hordes of Decay, ex-Plaguendgraves, ex-Fadom, ex-Abyssgale, ex-Dødsferd, ex-Ectoplasma, ex-Mortal Torment, ex-Necrochakal, ex-Ravencult, ex-Stillborn Virtue, ex-Thy Darkened Shade, ex-Nadiwrath
Deathstalker - Guitars (2016-?) ex-Mythal
Asgard - Guitars (2016)
N.C.M. - Keyboards, Piano (2016-?) Ithaqua, Opus Magorum, The Gates of Sinn, ex-Caedes Cruenta
The Sentinel - Keyboards, Piano (2016)
Mephistopheles - Guitars (2017-2018) Drama Noir, Gungnir (live)
Cursed Pharaoh - Guitars (1990-1994, 2014-2016)
Blind Priest - Drums (1992-1994) ex-Nordor
Alex M. - Unknown (1992)
Sykelig - Guitars (1993-1994, 2014-2016) Den Saakaldte, ex-Naer Mataron, ex-Gorgoroth (live), ex-Paradigma, ex-Nar Mataron, ex-Nuctemeron
The Unholy Rapist - Guitars (1993) ex-Agatus, ex-Erevos
The Mystery - Keyboards (1993)
Shadow - Bass (2016)
Echetleos - Bass (2016-?) Caedes Cruenta, Ithaqua, Kawir, Nekydaimon, Opus Magorum, Walpurgia, ex-Archemoron, ex-Nargothrond
Grim Reaper - Drums (2016)
Maelstrom - Drums (2016-?) Caedes Cruenta, Dephosphorus, Embrace of Thorns, End, Mentally Defiled, Nigredo, Principality of Hell, Profane Prayer, Saboter, Shadowmass, Thou Art Lord, Vacantfield, Violent Definition, Nergal (live), Slaughtered Priest (live), ex-Cross Denied, ex-Heavensore, ex-Hordes of Decay, ex-Plaguendgraves, ex-Fadom, ex-Abyssgale, ex-Dødsferd, ex-Ectoplasma, ex-Mortal Torment, ex-Necrochakal, ex-Ravencult, ex-Stillborn Virtue, ex-Thy Darkened Shade, ex-Nadiwrath
Deathstalker - Guitars (2016-?) ex-Mythal
Asgard - Guitars (2016)
N.C.M. - Keyboards, Piano (2016-?) Ithaqua, Opus Magorum, The Gates of Sinn, ex-Caedes Cruenta
The Sentinel - Keyboards, Piano (2016)
Mephistopheles - Guitars (2017-2018) Drama Noir, Gungnir (live)
▼ Muzycy koncertowi
Ravenlord Wampyri Draconium - Bass Chaosbaphomet, Empire of the Moon, ex-Tatir
Nikitas Mandolas - Drums Bionic Origin, Floating Worlds, Quadrus, W.E.B.
Nikitas Mandolas - Drums Bionic Origin, Floating Worlds, Quadrus, W.E.B.
1991 - Day of Doom [demo]
1992 - Angels Lament [demo]
1993 - High Priestess [demo]
1993 - The Gate of Deeper Sleep [EP]
2016 - Vade Retro Satana [kompilacja]
2017 - Goddamn the Sun
2018 - Messe de minuit [EP]