Zespół Progressive/Technical Death Metal z Tampa na Florydzie. Został założony na początku 2006 roku przez gitarzystę Erica Hersemanna, postanawiając przy tym stworzyć swój własny muzyczny styl. W 2008 roku zespół wydał swój debiutancki album „The Order of the False Eye” nakładem Napalm Records.
Jak w przypadku choćby Mithras, pojawia się tu sporo klimatów kosmicznych. Gigan jednak na kolejnych płytach stara się przesuwać kolejne granice własnego pojęcia ekstremy. Jest na pewno jednym z ciekawszych tworów współczesnej sceny DM w USA i nie tylko.Muzyczne doświadczenie Gigan to nie tylko agresywna, inteligentna prędkość, kosmiczne pejzaże dźwiękowe i abstrakcyjna technika, ale także prezentacja na żywo swoich koncepcji. Coś co można określić magią pod wpływem psychodeli jest niewątpliwie lirycznym określeniem ich twórczość, inspirowanej zarówno mizantropią jak i zjawiskami nadprzyrodzonymi.
Eric Hersemann - Bass, Guitars, Synthesizer, Theremin, Xylophone (2006-present) ex-Diabolic, ex-Hate Eternal, ex-Lord Blasphemer
Nate Cotton - Drums (2013-present) Bedlam of Cacophony
Jerry Kavouriaris - Vocals (2017-present) Elbow Deep, ex-They Die Screaming
Rajan Davis - Bass (2019-present)
▼ Byli muzycy
Grover Norton III - Drums (2006-2007) Eating Infinity, ex-Cystic Dysentery
Randy Piro - Guitars (rhythm), Vocals (2006-2010) Hibernus Mortis, Orbweaver, ex-Hate Eternal, ex-Kult ov Azazel
Danny Ryan - Drums (2007-2009) Ecryptus, The Universe Divide, ex-Apocalyptic Visions, Pork!, ex-Malefic
Kaish - Drums (2010-2013) ex-Vital Remains (live)
John Collett - Vocals (2010-2013) Nightmarer, ex-Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the Sky, ex-Dehumanized (live)
Pat Clancy - Bass (2011) Berator, Imperial Savagery, Sons of Famine, ex-CorpseVomit, Yakuza (live), ex-Malas, ex-Nachtmystium
Eston Browne - Vocals (2013-2017) Abolishing the Ignominious, Humanity Falls, ex-Salö, Katalepsy [USA], ex-Animals Killing People, ex-Merciless Mutilation, ex-Kresil
Randy Piro - Guitars (rhythm), Vocals (2006-2010) Hibernus Mortis, Orbweaver, ex-Hate Eternal, ex-Kult ov Azazel
Danny Ryan - Drums (2007-2009) Ecryptus, The Universe Divide, ex-Apocalyptic Visions, Pork!, ex-Malefic
Kaish - Drums (2010-2013) ex-Vital Remains (live)
John Collett - Vocals (2010-2013) Nightmarer, ex-Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the Sky, ex-Dehumanized (live)
Pat Clancy - Bass (2011) Berator, Imperial Savagery, Sons of Famine, ex-CorpseVomit, Yakuza (live), ex-Malas, ex-Nachtmystium
Eston Browne - Vocals (2013-2017) Abolishing the Ignominious, Humanity Falls, ex-Salö, Katalepsy [USA], ex-Animals Killing People, ex-Merciless Mutilation, ex-Kresil
▼ Muzycy koncertowi
Paul Garcia - Bass (2013-present) Kataplexy, ex-Sapphist, ex-The Fallen, ex-Asphyxiator, ex-Corphagy, ex-Gorgasm, ex-Nekropsy, ex-Wintering
Dylan Thomas - Bass (2014-present) Landmine Marathon, ex-Epidemic Decay, Dueno, Impregnator, ex-Take Over and Destroy
Tyler McDaniel - Vocals (2014-present) Monotheist, Seven Kingdoms, ex-Project: Roenwolfe
Sally Gates - Bass (2008-2010) ex-Relentless Attrition, Orbweaver, ex-Castrator (live), ex-Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the Sky (live)
Nate Cotton - Drums (2009-2010) Bedlam of Cacophony
Pat Clancy - Bass (2011, 2014) Berator, Imperial Savagery, Sons of Famine, ex-CorpseVomit, Yakuza (live), ex-Malas, ex-Nachtmystium
Dylan Thomas - Bass (2014-present) Landmine Marathon, ex-Epidemic Decay, Dueno, Impregnator, ex-Take Over and Destroy
Tyler McDaniel - Vocals (2014-present) Monotheist, Seven Kingdoms, ex-Project: Roenwolfe
Sally Gates - Bass (2008-2010) ex-Relentless Attrition, Orbweaver, ex-Castrator (live), ex-Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the Sky (live)
Nate Cotton - Drums (2009-2010) Bedlam of Cacophony
Pat Clancy - Bass (2011, 2014) Berator, Imperial Savagery, Sons of Famine, ex-CorpseVomit, Yakuza (live), ex-Malas, ex-Nachtmystium
2007 - Footsteps of Gigan [EP]
2008 - The Order of the False Eye
2011 - Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes
2013 - Multi-Dimensional Fractal-Sorcery and Super Science
2017 - Undulating Waves of Rainbiotic Iridescence
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Gigan/108235
BC: https://gigan.bandcamp.com/music