Zespół powstał w 2006 roku i jego skład zmieniał się kilkukrotnie - obecnie grają bez basisty.
Na koncie mają EPkę i 3 pełniaki.
Muzyka jest momentami dość chaotyczna i wręcz przesadnie technicznie skomplikowana - jak nie tapping przez pół kawałka to arpeggio wszędzie gdzie tylko się da.

Oni po prostu tak już mają.

2006 - The Parasites [EP]
2008 - Apocalyptic Feasting
2010 - Quantum Catastrophe
2016 - Boundless Obscenity
Dylan Ruskin - Guitars (2006-present)
Alex Bent - Drums (2015-present) Dragonlord, Trivium, Underling, ex-Arkaik, ex-Battlecross, ex-Hatriot, ex-Monumental Torment, ex-Decrepit Birth (live), ex-Gus G. (live), ex-Rings of Saturn (live), ex-Testament (live), ex-Angel Vivaldi (live)
Travis Morgan - Vocals (2016-present) ex-Atheist, ex-Terrestrial Sphere, ex-PsyOpus (live)
▼ Byli muzycy
Jeff Hughell - Bass (2006-2008) Jeff Hughell, Six Feet Under, Skin the Lamb, ex-Osmium, ex-Reciprocal, ex-Cyanic, ex-Mucus Membrane, ex-Rings of Saturn, ex-Vile (live)
Marco Pitruzzella - Drums (2006-2008) Anomalous, Hunhau Mitnal, Jeff Hughell, Mazikeen, Monumental Torment, Neurogenic, Six Feet Under, Solus Ex Inferis, Abuse (live), Sleep Terror (live), Vörnagar, ex-Orator, ex-The Faceless, ex-Vile (live), ex-Vital Remains (live), ex-Anthem 85, ex-Apocrypha, ex-Atrocious Hysteria, ex-Dark Heritage, ex-Lord Marco, ex-Numa, ex-Ritual Hatred
Andre Cornejo - Vocals (2006-2007) Casket Blaster, Cyanic, ex-Dead Syndicate, Deathgrave
Steve Rathjen - Vocals (2006, 2007-2016)
Ivan Munguia - Bass (2008-?) Continuum, Deeds of Flesh, Vomit Trough, ex-Fetus by the Pound, ex-Arkaik, ex-Cursed, ex-Deconversion, ex-Disharmony, ex-Insanity, ex-Odious Mortem, ex-Suffokate, ex-Carnivorous
Joe Bondra - Drums (2008-2009) Lethean, The Tenth Circle, Depletion
Ron Casey - Drums (2009-?) Continuum, Inanimate Existence, ex-Flesh Consumed, ex-Rings of Saturn, ex-Arkaik (live), ex-Vaginal Discharge
Marco Pitruzzella - Drums (2006-2008) Anomalous, Hunhau Mitnal, Jeff Hughell, Mazikeen, Monumental Torment, Neurogenic, Six Feet Under, Solus Ex Inferis, Abuse (live), Sleep Terror (live), Vörnagar, ex-Orator, ex-The Faceless, ex-Vile (live), ex-Vital Remains (live), ex-Anthem 85, ex-Apocrypha, ex-Atrocious Hysteria, ex-Dark Heritage, ex-Lord Marco, ex-Numa, ex-Ritual Hatred
Andre Cornejo - Vocals (2006-2007) Casket Blaster, Cyanic, ex-Dead Syndicate, Deathgrave
Steve Rathjen - Vocals (2006, 2007-2016)
Ivan Munguia - Bass (2008-?) Continuum, Deeds of Flesh, Vomit Trough, ex-Fetus by the Pound, ex-Arkaik, ex-Cursed, ex-Deconversion, ex-Disharmony, ex-Insanity, ex-Odious Mortem, ex-Suffokate, ex-Carnivorous
Joe Bondra - Drums (2008-2009) Lethean, The Tenth Circle, Depletion
Ron Casey - Drums (2009-?) Continuum, Inanimate Existence, ex-Flesh Consumed, ex-Rings of Saturn, ex-Arkaik (live), ex-Vaginal Discharge
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Brain_Drill/66715
BC: https://braindrill666.bandcamp.com/music