Techniczny / awangardowy death metal z Nowego Jorku, działający od 2008 roku. Spotkałem się z porównaniami ich muzyki do Demilich, Ulcerate, a nawet Anal Cunt, jednak po parokrotnym przesłuchaniu najnowszej płyty i przeczytaniu tekstów, tylko utwierdzam się w swojej pierwszej opinii na ich temat: tak brzmiałoby Butthole Surfers grające covery Gorguts.
Erik Malave - Bass Seputus, ex-Imperial Triumphant, ex-Artificial Brain (live)
Dylan DiLella - Guitars Chad Thundercock
Doug Moore - Vocals Seputus, Weeping Sores, Glorious Depravity
Steve Schwegler - Drums (2015-present) Seputus, Weeping Sores
▼ Byli muzycy
Mike Sheen - Bass
Alex Cohen - Drums (2008-2015) Aeolian Winds, Afterworldsmen, Epistasis, Involuntary Convulsion, Karnage, Letallis, Abuse (live), Malignancy (live), Nader Sadek (live), The Hudson Horror (live), Chad Thundercock, ex-Belltower, ex-Imperial Triumphant, ex-Pyrexia, ex-Cognitive (live), ex-Hung
Alex Cohen - Drums (2008-2015) Aeolian Winds, Afterworldsmen, Epistasis, Involuntary Convulsion, Karnage, Letallis, Abuse (live), Malignancy (live), Nader Sadek (live), The Hudson Horror (live), Chad Thundercock, ex-Belltower, ex-Imperial Triumphant, ex-Pyrexia, ex-Cognitive (live), ex-Hung
▼ Muzycy koncertowi
Keith Abrami - Drums (2014-?) Artificial Brain, Shredded, ex-Myrkur (live)
Kenny Grohowski - Drums (2015-?) Imperial Triumphant, Alekhine's Gun (live), Artificial Brain (live), ex-Hung, ex-Resolution15, ex-Nevereven
Kenny Grohowski - Drums (2015-?) Imperial Triumphant, Alekhine's Gun (live), Artificial Brain (live), ex-Hung, ex-Resolution15, ex-Nevereven
2009 - Demo 2009 [demo]
2009 - Fever Kingdoms [EP]
2011 - An Excellent Servant but a Terrible Master
2012 - 2012 Demo [demo]
2014 - The Mother of Virtues
2015 - Growth Without End [EP]
2016 - Running Out of Skin [EP]
2017 - What Passes for Survival
2020 - Abscess Time