Skład:last.fm pisze:Hypnos jest czeskim zespołem grającym death metal. Zespół powstał w 1999 roku w mieście Uherské Hradiště. Tematyka utworów obejmuje treści antychrześcijańskie, śmierć, przemoc.
Zespół został założony przez Bruna i Pegasa, byłych członków zespołu Krabathor. Do 2006 roku wydali trzy płyty: ,,In Blood We Trust'', ,,The Revange Ride'' oraz ,,Rabble Manifest''. Grali koncerty obok takich zespołów jak Vader, Morbid Angel czy Behemoth. W 2006 roku po europejskiej trasie z zespołami Centinex i Purgatory zespół przerwał działalność na nieokreślony czas.W 2009 roku Hypnos zaczął grać ponownie. Rok później dołączył do zespołu gitarzysta Vlasa. W 2011 podpisali kontrakt na nowy album ,,Heretic Commando / Rise of the new Antikrist''.
Bruno - Bass, Vocals (1999-2006, 2009-present), Guitars (2010-present) Krabathor, ex-Forgotten Silence (live)
Pegas - Drums (1999-2006, 2009-present) Krabathor, ex-Apoplexy, ex-Dehydrated, ex-Brutalizer
Vlasa - Guitars (2012-present) Six Degrees of Separation
Canni - Guitars (2014-present) Six Degrees of Separation, ex-Decay (live)
▼ Byli muzycy
Radek "R.A.D." Lebánek - Guitars (1999) Bad Face, ex-Stagnant, ex-Shaark, ex-Proscription
Hire - Guitars (2000) ex-Terminator, ex-Krabathor, ex-Melancholy Pessimism, ex-Flood, ex-Catenary, ex-Kyborg
David M. - Guitars (2000-2001) Hellyum, ex-Melancholy Pessimism
Butch Mills - Guitars (2001-2006) ex-D.M.C.
Igorr - Guitars (2010-2014) Equirhodont, Root, Solfernus, ex-Entrails, ex-Inner Fear (live)
Hire - Guitars (2000) ex-Terminator, ex-Krabathor, ex-Melancholy Pessimism, ex-Flood, ex-Catenary, ex-Kyborg
David M. - Guitars (2000-2001) Hellyum, ex-Melancholy Pessimism
Butch Mills - Guitars (2001-2006) ex-D.M.C.
Igorr - Guitars (2010-2014) Equirhodont, Root, Solfernus, ex-Entrails, ex-Inner Fear (live)
▼ Muzycy koncertowi
Igor "Sataroth" Botko - Drums (2017-present) Incalm, Stormhold, Vein of Hate
Alex Marek - Guitars (2000-2004) ex-Pandemia
Honza Samek - Guitars (2003-2005, 2010) Sabathory
Kouby - Drums (2004) Pandemia, ex-Lightlost
Ikaroz - Guitars (2004) (R.I.P. 2013) ex-Blaze of Perdition, ex-Stillborn, ex-Ingenium, ex-Incineration, ex-Seminarist, ex-Viatic
Igor Hubík - Guitars (2004-2006, 2015) Equirhodont, Root, Solfernus, ex-Entrails, ex-Inner Fear (live)
Peter B. - Drums (2005-2006)
David Hausa - Drums (2005) Ciment, Irokez, Waťák
Vlasa - Guitars (2010-2012) Six Degrees of Separation
Canni - Guitars (2011-2014) Six Degrees of Separation, ex-Decay (live)
Alex Marek - Guitars (2000-2004) ex-Pandemia
Honza Samek - Guitars (2003-2005, 2010) Sabathory
Kouby - Drums (2004) Pandemia, ex-Lightlost
Ikaroz - Guitars (2004) (R.I.P. 2013) ex-Blaze of Perdition, ex-Stillborn, ex-Ingenium, ex-Incineration, ex-Seminarist, ex-Viatic
Igor Hubík - Guitars (2004-2006, 2015) Equirhodont, Root, Solfernus, ex-Entrails, ex-Inner Fear (live)
Peter B. - Drums (2005-2006)
David Hausa - Drums (2005) Ciment, Irokez, Waťák
Vlasa - Guitars (2010-2012) Six Degrees of Separation
Canni - Guitars (2011-2014) Six Degrees of Separation, ex-Decay (live)
2000 - Hypnos / Epoch of the Dead [split]
2000 - Hypnos [EP]
2000 - In Blood We Trust
2001 - The Revenge Ride
2003 - Promo 2003 [demo]
2004 - Demons - The Collection 1999 - 2003 [kompilacja]
2005 - Rabble Mänifesto
2010 - Halfway to Hell [EP]
2012 - Heretic Commando – Rise of the New Antikrist
2017 - The Whitecrow
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Hypnos/6613