Określeń na muzykę tych Panów jest sporo. Określmy więc ich styl jako brutal death metal z domieszką gore.
To belgijska kapela, która do życia powołał w 1995 roku wokalista i lider do dziś Sven "Svencho" de Caluwé. Pan lider jakoś nie specjalnie przywiązywał się do muzyko z którymi grał i wystarczy tylko wejść w listę byłych członków, aby się o tym przekonać. Mimo to udało mu się zbudować porządną markę, która jest dość rozpoznawalna w naszym półświatku. Dodam jeszcze, że Aborted jest zaangażowany w akcje "Metalheads Against Racism".
Sven "Svencho" de Caluwé - Vocals (1995-present) Bent Sea, Oracles, ex-Anal Torture, ex-System Divide, ex-They:Swarm, ex-Leng Tch'e, ex-In-Quest, ex-Whorecore
Ken Bedene - Drums (2010-present) Aerith, Oracles, Decapitated (live), Fallon, ex-Blood of Cain, ex-System Divide, ex-Abigail Williams, ex-Abysmal Dawn (live)
Ian Jekelis - Guitars (2015-present) ex-Abigail Williams, ex-Abysmal Dawn, ex-God Dethroned (live), ex-Artisan
Stefano Franceschini - Bass (2016-present) Hideous Divinity, Ghouls
Harrison Patuto - Guitars (2020-present) Dissonance in Design, ex-Morbus Deus, ex-Vale of Pnath
Steven Logie - Drums (1997-1998) Days of Demise
Niek Verstraete - Guitars (1997-2002)
Frank Rosseau - Drums (1998-2004) ex-Locusta, ex-Catafalque, ex-Life Eternal
Christophe "Herre" Herreman - Guitars (1998-2000) ex-Liar, ex-Allignment
Thijs "Tace" de Cloedt - Guitars (2001-2005)
Frederic "Fre" Vanmassenhove - Bass (2002-2006) After All, ex-Impedigon
Bart Vergaert - Guitars (2002-2005) ex-Suhrim
Dirk Verbeuren - Drums (2003-2004, 2009) Abyssal Vortex, Bent Sea, Cadaver, Freya, Geoda, Hespera, Megadeth, Phaze I, Pulse of Nebulae, Scarve, The Project Hate MCMXCIX, Tronos, Vetur, Withered Moon, Devin Townsend (live), ex-Anaon, ex-Nuclear Blast Allstars, ex-Anatomy of I, ex-Headline, ex-Mortuary, ex-Phazm, ex-Powermad, ex-Soilwork, ex-Solium Fatalis, ex-Taliandörögd, ex-At the Gates (live), ex-Satyricon (live), ex-Testament (live), ex-Lyzanxia, ex-7th Circle, ex-Artsonic, ex-Devin Townsend Project, ex-Warrel Dane, ex-Yyrkoon (live), ex-One-Way Mirror, ex-Stenval
Gilles Delecroix - Drums (2004-2006) Gronibard, Warscars, Boys First Time, ex-Belenos, ex-Scarve (live), ex-Burgul Torkhaïn, ex-Klang
Olivia "Raziel" Scemama - Bass (2005-2006) Argile (live), Boys First Time, ex-No Return, ex-Phazm, ex-Alannah, ex-Balrog, ex-Garwall
Stéphane Souteyrand - Guitars (2005-2006) ex-Yyrkoon
Sebastian "Seb Purulator" Tuvi - Guitars, Vocals (2005-2009) Genital Grinder, The Order of Apollyon, VI, Temple of Baal (live), ex-Balrog, ex-Aosoth, ex-Antaeus (live), ex-Maleficentia, ex-Livarkahil (live), ex-Garwall
Peter Goemaere - Bass (2006-2007), Guitars (2007-2009) ex-Emeth, ex-Leng Tch'e, ex-Herfst
Matty Dupont - Guitars (2006-2007) Emeth, ex-Agathocles
Sven "Svenchi" Janssens - Bass (2007-2009) ex-Disown, ex-The End of All Reason, ex-Axamenta, ex-Battalion, ex-Unleash the Fury
Daniel Wilding - Drums (2007-2009) Carcass, Hansen & Friends, The Soulless, Trigger the Bloodshed, ex-Killing Mode, ex-Misery, ex-The Order of Apollyon, ex-Heaven Shall Burn (live), ex-Savage Messiah (live)
JB van der Wal - Bass (2009-2011, 2012-2016) Lugubre, Ûngrûn, Verwoed (live), ex-Dr Doom, ex-Herder, ex-Seizure, Dool, ex-Atrocity, ex-Leaves' Eyes, ex-Benighted (live)
Cole Martinez - Bass (2009) Gorepunch, Hespera, Jesusegg, Salt the Wound, ex-Forever Untouched, ex-Bro Jovi, ex-Years of Fire, ex-System Divide
Ken Sorceron - Guitars (2009-2011) Abigail Williams, Bro Jovi, Infants of the Arcane, Lord Mantis, Cobalt (live), Vesica Piscis, ex-Belhor, ex-Chrome Waves, ex-The Faceless, ex-Tombs (live), ex-Wolvhammer (live), ex-Mercitron, ex-Nibirus (live), ex-System Divide (live), ex-Awesome, ex-Born of Fire, ex-Guns, ex-Kyds vs Columbus, ex-Missing, ex-Nihil, ex-Victims in Ecstacy, ex-Virii, ex-N17 / November17 (live)
Eran Segal - Guitars (2009-2012) Conflux, ex-They:Swarm, ex-Whorecore, ex-Herzog
Michael Wilson - Guitars (2011-2012) Bro Jovi, Gorepunch, Grave Plague, ex-Abigail Williams, ex-System Divide
Danny Tunker - Guitars (2012-2015) Abhorrent, Alkaloid, ex-Form, ex-Detonation, ex-God Dethroned, ex-Prostitute Disfigurement, ex-Demilich (live), ex-Fallujah (live), ex-Nothgard (live), ex-Vomitory (live), ex-Fifth, ex-Fuelblooded, ex-The Saturnine, ex-Spawn of Possession (live)
Mendel bij de Leij - Guitars (2012-2019) Escadron, Mendel, Oracles, ex-Bloodline, ex-System Divide, ex-Edge of Anger, ex-Apace
Matan Shmuely - Drums (2006) Orphaned Land, ex-Armilos, ex-Azazel, ex-Edgend, ex-Grave in the Sky, ex-Matricide, ex-Stella Maris, ex-Subterranean Masquerade, ex-Distorted (live), ex-Moonskin
Nicolas Bastos - Drums (2007) Dagoba, ex-Deep in Hate, ex-L'Esprit du Clan, ex-T.A.N.K (live), ex-Apocalypse Now, ex-Drifting Breed, ex-Krad, ex-Forest in Blood, ex-Betraying the Martyrs (live)
Ariën van Weesenbeek - Drums (2007) Epica, Mayan, ex-Down Till Dawn, ex-Edgecrusher, ex-Pandaemonium, ex-God Dethroned, ex-HDK, ex-Conspiracy, ex-Downslide
Kevin Verlay - Bass (2011-2012) ex-Nibirus, Omega, ex-Agressor, ex-Mors Principium Est, ex-Svart Crown, ex-Dictated (live)
Josh Neale - Bass (2012) Negation Delirium
Harrison Patuto - Guitars (2019-2020) Dissonance in Design, ex-Morbus Deus, ex-Vale of Pnath
1998 - The Necrotorous Chronicles [demo]
1999 - The Purity of Perversion
2000 - Aborted / Christ Denied [split]
2001 - Engineering the Dead
2002 - Created to Kill [split]
2003 - Deceased in the East / Extirpated Live Emanations [split]
2003 - Goremageddon: The Saw and the Carnage Done
2004 - The Haematobic EP [EP]
2005 - The Archaic Abattoir
2006 - The Auricular Chronicles [video]
2007 - Slaughter & Apparatus: A Methodical Overture
2008 - Strychnine.213
2010 - Coronary Reconstruction [EP]
2011 - Global Flatline [single]
2012 - Global Flatline
2014 - Scriptures of the Dead [EP]
2014 - The Necrotic Manifesto
2016 - Termination Redux [EP]
2016 - Retrogore
2017 - Bathos [single]
2018 - Squalor Opera [single]
2018 - Terrorvision
2020 - La grande mascarade [EP]
2021 - Impetus Odi [single]
2021 - Maniacult
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Aborted/213
BC: https://listenable-records.bandcamp.com/music