Nasty Savage to amerykański przedstawiciel popularnego w latach ’80 power/thrash metalu. Powstali w 1983 roku na Florydzie i tworzą do dziś. Ekipą dowodzi Nasty Ronnie, nieco postrzelony gość o posturze zapaśnika, który lubi sobie na scenie rozbić na głowie telewizor. Między innymi ze względu na tego typu wyczyny zespół zyskuje w połowie lat 80. lokalną sławę. Swoją najlepszą płytę nagrywa jednak, gdy sława ta powoli przygasa. Pod względem brutalności trudno "Penetration Point" zestawiać z mającym za chwilę zalać Florydę death metalem, to wciąż thrash, i to niekoniecznie najbardziej radykalnego sortu. Na tej płycie postanowili troszkę pokombinować i zwrócili się bardziej w kierunku technicznego grania. Na każdym kroku pojawiają się tu rozwiązania czy to riffy, czy też rytmiczne łamańce charakterystyczne właśnie dla florydzkiego metalu śmierci, szczególnie tego spod znaku Atheist. Jednak po tym albumie zaczęło się coś niedobrego dziać i zespół przestaje istnieć. W latach 2002-2012 coś tam próbowali pogrywać, ale z chyba z marnym skutkiem, bo w 2004 roku Metal Blade wydaje słabiutki album „Psycho Psycho”.

Nasty Ronnie - Vocals (1983-1990, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1998, 2002-2012, 2016-present) ex-Infernal, ex-Crionic Dogs
James Coker - Drums (1992, 2002-2003, 2016-present) Contorted, Dead, The Gravesiders, ex-Brutality, ex-Ulcer, ex-Astaroth, ex-Unearthed
Pete Sykes - Guitars (2018-present) American Fix, Contorted, ex-Brutality, ex-Execration
Dave Orman - Guitars (2022-present) ex-Contorted
Kyle Sokol - Bass (2024-present) Apeiron Bound, Blackkout, Messiaxx, Nocturnus AD, Wade Black's Astronomica, ex-Cadaveric Mass, ex-Must Not Kill, ex-Disincarnate, ex-Sectioned, ex-Basmitist, ex-Distent Aggressor, ex-Hell on Earth, ex-Leadfoot, ex-Noble Jones, ex-Rude Squad, ex-Stretch, ex-Strict-9, ex-The Lazarus Machine, ex-The Philistines
▼ Byli muzycy
Fred Dregischan - Bass (1983-1985, 2016) ex-Nightmare
Curtis Beeson - Drums (1983-1989, 1994, 1995, 2004-2012) ex-Fester, ex-Lowbrow, ex-Havoc Mass, ex-Denial Fiend, ex-Fierce Atmospheres, ex-Massacre, ex-Meltdown, ex-Razor, ex-Singod
Craig Huffman - Drums (1983, 1990) (R.I.P. 2015) ex-Gardy-Loo!, ex-Awake!, ex-Nightmare
David Austin - Guitars (1983-1990, 1994, 1998, 2002-2012, 2016-2022) Blood Divisions, ex-Gangster
Ben Meyer - Guitars (1983-1990, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1998, 2002-2012, 2016) Gardy-Loo!, ex-Lordes Werre, ex-Lowbrow, Blood Divisions, ex-Acheron, ex-Nightmare
Dezsõ István Bartha - Bass (1986-1987)
Chris Moorhouse (R.I.P. 1988) - Bass (1987-1988)
Richard Bateman - Bass (1988-1990, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1998, 2002-2012, 2016-2018) (R.I.P. 2018) ex-Unearthed, ex-Gardy-Loo!, ex-Nocturnus AD, ex-Purgatory, ex-Agent Steel (live), ex-Lowbrow, ex-Nocturnus, ex-After Death, ex-Scimitar
Greg Gall - Drums (2016) ex-Brian Loyd Band, ex-Last Rite, Blood Divisions, ex-Six Feet Under, ex-Cyanide, ex-Hideous
Demian Gordon - Guitars (2016-2018) Dark Disciple, Mutilation Ritual, ex-Insatanity
John Mahoney - Guitars (2016)
Scott Carino - Bass (2018-2024) ex-Fester, ex-Lowbrow, ex-Fierce Atmospheres, ex-Death
Curtis Beeson - Drums (1983-1989, 1994, 1995, 2004-2012) ex-Fester, ex-Lowbrow, ex-Havoc Mass, ex-Denial Fiend, ex-Fierce Atmospheres, ex-Massacre, ex-Meltdown, ex-Razor, ex-Singod
Craig Huffman - Drums (1983, 1990) (R.I.P. 2015) ex-Gardy-Loo!, ex-Awake!, ex-Nightmare
David Austin - Guitars (1983-1990, 1994, 1998, 2002-2012, 2016-2022) Blood Divisions, ex-Gangster
Ben Meyer - Guitars (1983-1990, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1998, 2002-2012, 2016) Gardy-Loo!, ex-Lordes Werre, ex-Lowbrow, Blood Divisions, ex-Acheron, ex-Nightmare
Dezsõ István Bartha - Bass (1986-1987)
Chris Moorhouse (R.I.P. 1988) - Bass (1987-1988)
Richard Bateman - Bass (1988-1990, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1998, 2002-2012, 2016-2018) (R.I.P. 2018) ex-Unearthed, ex-Gardy-Loo!, ex-Nocturnus AD, ex-Purgatory, ex-Agent Steel (live), ex-Lowbrow, ex-Nocturnus, ex-After Death, ex-Scimitar
Greg Gall - Drums (2016) ex-Brian Loyd Band, ex-Last Rite, Blood Divisions, ex-Six Feet Under, ex-Cyanide, ex-Hideous
Demian Gordon - Guitars (2016-2018) Dark Disciple, Mutilation Ritual, ex-Insatanity
John Mahoney - Guitars (2016)
Scott Carino - Bass (2018-2024) ex-Fester, ex-Lowbrow, ex-Fierce Atmospheres, ex-Death
▼ Muzycy koncertowi
Rob Proctor - Drums (1989, 1998) ex-Assück, ex-Crucible, ex-Discordance Axis (live), ex-Anthem Eighty Eight, ex-Manic Dose, ex-No Fraud, ex-Some Sort of Radio
Chuck Amos - Guitars (1992) ex-Monstrosity (live)
Danny Gay - Guitars (1995) (R.I.P. 2023) ex-Brutality (live), ex-Apocalyptic Death
Craig Huffman - Drums (1998) (R.I.P. 2015) ex-Gardy-Loo!, ex-Awake!, ex-Nightmare
Eric Gosselin - Guitars (1998) Fierce Atmospheres, Living Impaired, ex-Abstract Psychology, ex-Of the Falle
Chuck Amos - Guitars (1992) ex-Monstrosity (live)
Danny Gay - Guitars (1995) (R.I.P. 2023) ex-Brutality (live), ex-Apocalyptic Death
Craig Huffman - Drums (1998) (R.I.P. 2015) ex-Gardy-Loo!, ex-Awake!, ex-Nightmare
Eric Gosselin - Guitars (1998) Fierce Atmospheres, Living Impaired, ex-Abstract Psychology, ex-Of the Falle
1984 - Raw Mayhem [demo]
1984 - Wage of Mayhem [demo]
1985 - Nasty Savage
1987 - Indulgence
1988 - Abstract Reality [EP]
1989 - Penetration Point
2003 - Cleveland '87 [live]
2004 - Psycho Psycho
2019 - Wage of Mayhem + Rarities (1983-1985) [kompilacja]
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Nasty_Savage/960
BC: https://nastysavage.bandcamp.com/music