Flotsam and Jetsam to amerykańska grupa thrash metalowa. Powstała w 1983 roku w Phoenix w stanie Arizona. Grupa kilka razy zmieniała nazwę, początkowo była to Dredlox, a następnie Dogz. W skład zespołu wchodził Jason Newsted, który w roku 1986 dołączył do zespołu Metallica. Wydali w swojej karierze dwanaście albumów studyjnych i sprzedali ponad milion płyt na całym świecie. Mimo że nie osiągnęli podobnego poziomu sukcesu komercyjnego, co niektórzy z ich rówieśników z czasów thrash metalu, zespół osiągnął niewielki sukces w Ameryce, a dwa z ich albumów (1988's No Place for Disgrace i 1990's When The Comes Down) weszły na listę Billboard 200 i czwarty album Cuatro (1992), który wszedł na listę 30 najlepszych płyt wg Heatseekers.

Michael Gilbert - Guitars (1984-1999, 2010-present)
Eric A.K. - Vocals (1984-2001, 2002-present) ex-The Human Condition, ex-Dogz, ex-Dredlox
Steve Conley - Guitars (2014-present) Tragul, F5
Ken Mary - Drums (2018-present) Fifth Angel, ex-Knight Fury, ex-Accept, ex-Chastain, ex-David T. Chastain, ex-Impellitteri, ex-James Byrd, ex-TKO, ex-Strike, ex-Alice Cooper, ex-Giuffria, ex-House of Lords, ex-Magdallan, ex-Randy Hansen, ex-Soul Shock Remedy
Bill Bodily - Bass (2020-present) Contrarian, ex-War of Attrition, ex-Freya, ex-Inhumatus, ex-Toxik
▼ Byli muzycy
Jason Newsted - Bass (1984-1986) ex-IR8, ex-Newsted, ex-Sexoturica, ex-WhoCares, Jason Newsted and the Chophouse Band, Would & Steal, ex-Metallica, ex-Ozzy Osbourne, ex-Voivod, ex-Dogz, ex-Dredlox, ex-Echobrain, ex-Gangster, ex-Papa Wheelie, ex-Paradox, ex-Quarteto de Pinga, ex-Rock Star Supernova, ex-Spastik Children
Kelly David-Smith - Drums (1984-1997, 2011-2014) ex-Dogz, ex-Dredlox, ex-Paradox
Edward Carlson - Guitars (1984-2010, 2010-2014) ex-Dogz, ex-Dredlox, ex-Exodus
Mark Vazquez - Guitars (1984-1985) ex-Dogz, ex-Dredlox, ex-Paradox
Phil Rind - Bass (1986) Sacred Reich
Michael Spencer - Bass (1987-1988, 2014-2020) ex-Sentinel Beast
Troy Gregory - Bass (1988-1991) The Witches, ex-Prong, ex-Crime & the City Solution, ex-Criminal, ex-Gallery of Suicide, ex-Killing Joke, ex-Swans, ex-The Dirtbombs
Jason Ward - Bass (1991-2013) ex-Halford, ex-Widows Rose, ex-Angry Chair (Alice in Chains tribute)
Craig Nielsen - Drums (1997-2011)
Mark Simpson - Guitars (1997-1999, 2000-2010) ex-Alowicious Toole, ex-Adler's Appetite, ex-Beautiful Creatures, ex-Denim and Leather, ex-The AK Corral
Jason Bittner - Drums (2014-2017) Burning Human, Overkill, Shadows Fall, ex-China White, ex-Ever Dark, ex-Hellspeak, ex-Toxik, ex-Anthrax (live), ex-Stigmata, ex-Crisis, ex-Lynch's Mr. Scary (live)
Kelly David-Smith - Drums (1984-1997, 2011-2014) ex-Dogz, ex-Dredlox, ex-Paradox
Edward Carlson - Guitars (1984-2010, 2010-2014) ex-Dogz, ex-Dredlox, ex-Exodus
Mark Vazquez - Guitars (1984-1985) ex-Dogz, ex-Dredlox, ex-Paradox
Phil Rind - Bass (1986) Sacred Reich
Michael Spencer - Bass (1987-1988, 2014-2020) ex-Sentinel Beast
Troy Gregory - Bass (1988-1991) The Witches, ex-Prong, ex-Crime & the City Solution, ex-Criminal, ex-Gallery of Suicide, ex-Killing Joke, ex-Swans, ex-The Dirtbombs
Jason Ward - Bass (1991-2013) ex-Halford, ex-Widows Rose, ex-Angry Chair (Alice in Chains tribute)
Craig Nielsen - Drums (1997-2011)
Mark Simpson - Guitars (1997-1999, 2000-2010) ex-Alowicious Toole, ex-Adler's Appetite, ex-Beautiful Creatures, ex-Denim and Leather, ex-The AK Corral
Jason Bittner - Drums (2014-2017) Burning Human, Overkill, Shadows Fall, ex-China White, ex-Ever Dark, ex-Hellspeak, ex-Toxik, ex-Anthrax (live), ex-Stigmata, ex-Crisis, ex-Lynch's Mr. Scary (live)
▼ Muzycy koncertowi
James Rivera - Vocals (2001) Helstar, Seven Witches, ShadowKeep, Distant Thunder, ex-Destiny's End, ex-Malice, ex-Thrasher, ex-Vigilante, Sabbath Judas Sabbath, ex-Killing Machine, ex-New Eden, ex-Vicious Rumors, ex-Agent Steel (live), ex-Bad Heaven, ex-Chaotic Order, ex-Daggers Edge, ex-Masters of Metal (live), ex-Malakis Reign, ex-Children of the Grave, ex-Denim and Leather
Jeff Barbaree - Bass (2013) ex-Halo Machine, ex-John Holmberg's Under Cover, ex-The Wankers
Michael Spencer - Bass (2013-2014) ex-Sentinel Beast
Steve Conley - Guitars (2013-2014) Tragul, F5
Bill Bodily - Bass (2016, 2019) Contrarian, ex-War of Attrition, ex-Freya, ex-Inhumatus, ex-Toxik
Ken Mary - Drums (2017-2018) Fifth Angel, ex-Knight Fury, ex-Accept, ex-Chastain, ex-David T. Chastain, ex-Impellitteri, ex-James Byrd, ex-TKO, ex-Strike, ex-Alice Cooper, ex-Giuffria, ex-House of Lords, ex-Magdallan, ex-Randy Hansen, ex-Soul Shock Remedy
Jeff Barbaree - Bass (2013) ex-Halo Machine, ex-John Holmberg's Under Cover, ex-The Wankers
Michael Spencer - Bass (2013-2014) ex-Sentinel Beast
Steve Conley - Guitars (2013-2014) Tragul, F5
Bill Bodily - Bass (2016, 2019) Contrarian, ex-War of Attrition, ex-Freya, ex-Inhumatus, ex-Toxik
Ken Mary - Drums (2017-2018) Fifth Angel, ex-Knight Fury, ex-Accept, ex-Chastain, ex-David T. Chastain, ex-Impellitteri, ex-James Byrd, ex-TKO, ex-Strike, ex-Alice Cooper, ex-Giuffria, ex-House of Lords, ex-Magdallan, ex-Randy Hansen, ex-Soul Shock Remedy
1985 - Iron Tears [demo]
1985 - Metal Shock [demo]
1986 - Doomsday for the Deceiver
1987 - Flotzilla [single]
1987 - No Place for Disgrace (Pre-Production Demo) [demo]
1988 - Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting [single]
1988 - No Place for Disgrace
1989 - When the Storm Comes Down (Pre-production demo) [demo]
1990 - Suffer the Masses [single]
1990 - The Master Sleeps [single]
1990 - When the Storm Comes Down
1992 - Never to Reveal [single]
1992 - Selections from Cuatro [single]
1992 - Wading Through the Darkness [single]
1992 - Cuatro
1993 - Cradle Me Now [single]
1993 - Swatting at Flies [single]
1995 - Blindside [single]
1995 - Destructive Signs [single]
1995 - Smoked Out [single]
1995 - Drift
1997 - High
1999 - Unnatural Selection
2001 - My God
2002 - Unnatural Selection / High [kompilacja]
2004 - Live in Phoenix [video]
2005 - Dreams of Death
2005 - Live in Phoenix [live]
2006 - Live in Japan [video]
2008 - Once in a Deathtime [live]
2010 - The Cold
2012 - Ugly Noise
2014 - No Place for Disgrace 2014
2016 - Flotsam and Jetsam
2018 - Recover [single]
2018 - Demolition Man [single]
2019 - Control [single]
2019 - The End of Chaos
2021 - Blood in the Water
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Fl ... Jetsam/621
BC: https://flotsamandjetsamlive.bandcamp.com/music