Poniekąd ojciec i ambasador amerykańskiego doom i stoner metalu. Żywa legenda spalonego i smutnego grania. Charyzmatyczny wokalista, gitarzysta i autor tekstów.
Robert Scott Weinrich urodził się w 28 września 1961 roku w niewielkim miasteczku Rockville w stanie Maryland. Do grania na gitarze zainspirowali go tacy wykonawcy jak The Monkees, The Beattles, Frank Zappa, Jimi Hendrix i Black Sabbath. Wielce wpływowi byli też dla niego The Stooges, The Dictators i The Saints.
Jego kariera muzyczna rozpoczęła się w drugiej połowie lat 70-tych w zespole Warhorse, które w 1980 roku zmieniło nazwę na The Obsessed. W 1986 r. opuścił zespół, by tworzyć w Saint Vitus. W tym samym czasie plumkał na basie w heavy metalowym The Mentors, a parę lat później wspomagał wokalnie hard rockowców z Lost Breed.
Muzyk ten współtworzył również stoner/doomowe Spirit Caravan, The Hidden hand, Wino oraz nagrał album z członkami Om, Neurosis i Melvins pod szyldem Shrinebuilder.
W 2004 roku sklasyfikowano go na 64-tym miejscu na liście 100 najlepszych heavy metalowych gitarzystów wszech czasów wg magazynu Guitar World. W 2009 zajął 44-te miejsce na liście 50-ciu najlepszych heavymetalowych frontmanów wszech czasów wg Roadrunner Records.
Skład The Obsessed:
Scott "Wino" Weinrich - Guitars, Vocals (1980-1986, 1990-1995, 2012-present) Wino, Shrinebuilder, Probot (live), ex-Premonition 13, ex-Spirit Caravan, ex-The Hidden Hand, ex-Shine, Wino & Conny Ochs, ex-Place of Skulls, ex-Saint Vitus, ex-Bedemon (live), ex-Mentors (live), ex-Lost Breed, ex-Victor Griffin, ex-Warhorse
Reid Raley - Bass (2013-present), Vocals (2017-present) ex-Deadbird, ex-Nachtmystium, ex-Rwake
Brian Costantino - Drums, Vocals (2016-present) ex-Insane, ex-Spirit Caravan
▼ Byli muzycy
Dave "The Slave" Williams - Drums
Greg Rogers - Drums (, ?-2016) Goatsnake, Sonic Medusa, ex-Debris Inc.
Ed "Dameon" Gulli - Drums ex-Spirit Caravan (live)
Norman Lawson - Guitars ex-Chained Lace, ex-Hellion, ex-Bedemon, ex-Bitch, ex-Overlord, ex-Sex II, ex-The Factory
Mark Laue - Bass (1980-?) ex-Unorthodox
Johnny Reese - Guitars, Vocals (1980-?)
Vance Bockis - Vocals (1980-1983) (R.I.P. 2012) ex-Pentagram, ex-9353, ex-Darius, ex-Overlord, ex-Sex II, ex-The Factory
Scott Reeder - Bass (1990-1992) Fireball Ministry, Sun & Sail Club, ex-Goatsnake, ex-Unida, ex-Kyuss, ex-Attika 7
Guy Pinhas - Bass (1992-1995) In-Graved, ex-Thorr's Hammer, ex-Acid King, ex-Goatsnake, ex-Porn
Dave Sherman - Bass (2016) Earthride, Ectoplasm, Weed Is Weed, ex-Bobby Liebling's Ram Family, ex-Spirit Caravan, ex-Shine, ex-Black Mass, ex-Sourvein (live), ex-King Valley, ex-War Injun, ex-Wretched, ex-Flood Foundation, ex-Judgment Hammer, ex-Los Tres Pesados
Bruce Falkinburg - Bass, Vocals (2016-2017) ex-The Hidden Hand, Thee Iron Hand
Sara Seraphim - Guitars (2016-2017) Arsantiqva, ex-Armageddon, ex-Ghost Ship Octavius
Greg Rogers - Drums (, ?-2016) Goatsnake, Sonic Medusa, ex-Debris Inc.
Ed "Dameon" Gulli - Drums ex-Spirit Caravan (live)
Norman Lawson - Guitars ex-Chained Lace, ex-Hellion, ex-Bedemon, ex-Bitch, ex-Overlord, ex-Sex II, ex-The Factory
Mark Laue - Bass (1980-?) ex-Unorthodox
Johnny Reese - Guitars, Vocals (1980-?)
Vance Bockis - Vocals (1980-1983) (R.I.P. 2012) ex-Pentagram, ex-9353, ex-Darius, ex-Overlord, ex-Sex II, ex-The Factory
Scott Reeder - Bass (1990-1992) Fireball Ministry, Sun & Sail Club, ex-Goatsnake, ex-Unida, ex-Kyuss, ex-Attika 7
Guy Pinhas - Bass (1992-1995) In-Graved, ex-Thorr's Hammer, ex-Acid King, ex-Goatsnake, ex-Porn
Dave Sherman - Bass (2016) Earthride, Ectoplasm, Weed Is Weed, ex-Bobby Liebling's Ram Family, ex-Spirit Caravan, ex-Shine, ex-Black Mass, ex-Sourvein (live), ex-King Valley, ex-War Injun, ex-Wretched, ex-Flood Foundation, ex-Judgment Hammer, ex-Los Tres Pesados
Bruce Falkinburg - Bass, Vocals (2016-2017) ex-The Hidden Hand, Thee Iron Hand
Sara Seraphim - Guitars (2016-2017) Arsantiqva, ex-Armageddon, ex-Ghost Ship Octavius
Dyskografia The Obsessed:
1980 - Demo 1980 [demo]
1982 - Demo 1982 [demo]
1983 - The Obsessed [single]
1985 - Promo Demo 1985 [demo]
1990 - The Obsessed
1991 - Lunar Womb
1994 - Streetside [single]
1994 - To Protect and to Serve [single]
1994 - The Documentary [video]
1994 - The Church Within
1996 - Altamont Nation [single]
1999 - Incarnate [kompilacja]
2001 - On the Hunt / Cheatin' Woman [split]
2012 - Live at the Melkweg November 28th 1992 [live]
2012 - Live Music Hall Köln December 29th 1992 [live]
2016 - Be the Night (demo) [single]
2017 - Razor Wire [single]
2017 - Sacred
2017 - Concrete Cancer [demo]
2018 - Live at the Wax Museum [live]
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/The_Obsessed/1690
BC: https://theobsessed.bandcamp.com/music
BC: https://churchwithinrecords.bandcamp.com/music
Skład Spirit Caravan:
Dave Sherman - Bass, Vocals (1995-2002, 2013-2016) Earthride, Ectoplasm, Weed Is Weed, ex-Bobby Liebling's Ram Family, ex-Shine, ex-Black Mass, ex-The Obsessed, ex-Sourvein (live), ex-King Valley, ex-War Injun, ex-Wretched, ex-Flood Foundation, ex-Judgment Hammer, ex-Los Tres Pesados
Wino - Guitars, Vocals (1995-2002, 2013-2016) The Obsessed, Wino, Shrinebuilder, Probot (live), ex-Premonition 13, ex-The Hidden Hand, ex-Shine, Wino & Conny Ochs, ex-Place of Skulls, ex-Saint Vitus, ex-Bedemon (live), ex-Mentors (live), ex-Lost Breed, ex-Victor Griffin, ex-Warhorse
Brian Costantino - Drums (2016) The Obsessed, ex-Insane
▼ Byli muzycy
Gary Isom - Drums, Vocals (1995-2002), Drums (2013-2014) The Druids, Weed Is Weed, ex-Bobby Liebling's Ram Family, ex-Shine, ex-Nitroseed, ex-Pentagram, ex-Unorthodox, ex-Valkyrie, ex-The Hounds of Hasselvander (live), ex-Iron Man, ex-King Valley, ex-Wretched
▼ Muzycy koncertowi
Henry Vasquez - Drums (2014-2015) Saint Vitus, The Skull (live), ex-Archie Bunker, Blood of the Sun, ex-Porn, ex-Sourvein, ex-Debris Inc. (live)
Ed "Monster" Gulli - Drums (2015-2016) ex-The Obsessed
Ed "Monster" Gulli - Drums (2015-2016) ex-The Obsessed
1999 - Spirit Caravan / Sixty Watt Shaman [split]
1999 - Jug Fulla Sun
1999 - Dreamwheel [EP]
2001 - Elusive Truth
2002 - So Mortal Be [single]
2003 - The Last Embrace [kompilacja]
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/albums/S ... a_Sun/7270
BC: https://hankenstein.bandcamp.com/music
Skład The Hidden Hand:
Bruce Falkinburg - Bass, Vocals Thee Iron Hand, ex-The Obsessed
Matt Moulis - Drums Unmothered
Scott "Wino" Weinrich - Guitars, Vocals (2002-2007) The Obsessed, Wino, Shrinebuilder, Probot (live), ex-Premonition 13, ex-Spirit Caravan, ex-Shine, Wino & Conny Ochs, ex-Place of Skulls, ex-Saint Vitus, ex-Bedemon (live), ex-Mentors (live), ex-Lost Breed, ex-Victor Griffin, ex-Warhorse
▼ Byli muzycy
Dave Hennessy - Drums
Evan Tanner - Drums
Evan Tanner - Drums
2003 - Divine Propaganda
2003 - De-Sensitized [EP]
2004 - Night Letters [split]
2004 - Mother Teacher Destroyer
2005 - Devoid of Color [EP]
2007 - The Resurrection of Whiskey Foote
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Th ... Hand/13477
Skład Wino:
Jean-Paul Gaster - Drums (2008-present) Clutch, King Hobo, The Bakerton Group, ex-Corrosion of Conformity (live), ex-King Valley, ex-Kamchatka
Scott "Wino" Weinrich - Guitars, Vocals (2008-present), Bass (2010-present) The Obsessed, Shrinebuilder, Probot (live), ex-Premonition 13, ex-Spirit Caravan, ex-The Hidden Hand, ex-Shine, Wino & Conny Ochs, ex-Place of Skulls, ex-Saint Vitus, ex-Bedemon (live), ex-Mentors (live), ex-Lost Breed, ex-Victor Griffin, ex-Warhorse
Conny Ochs - Acoustic Guitars, Vocals (lead & backing) (on "Heavy Kingdom" and "Labour of Love") (2012-present)
▼ Byli muzycy
Jon Blank - Bass (2008-2009) (R.I.P. 2009) ex-Wretched, ex-Unorthodox, ex-Fragment 37, ex-Rezin
2009 - Punctuated Equilibrium
2010 - Adrift
2010 - Live at Roadburn 2009 [live]
2011 - Wino / Scott Kelly [split]
2012 - Heavy Kingdom [kolaboracja z Conny Ochs]
2012 - Labour of Love [kolaboracja z Conny Ochs]
2012 - Songs of Townes Van Zandt [split]
2015 - Freedom Conspiracy [kolaboracja z Conny Ochs]
https://winosl.bandcamp.com/album/punct ... quilibrium
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Wino/3540271827
BC: https://winosl.bandcamp.com/music
Skład Shrinebuilder:
Al Cisneros - Bass, Vocals (2008-present) Om, Sleep, ex-Asbestos Death, Al Cisneros, ex-The Sabians
Scott "Wino" Weinrich - Guitars, Vocals (2008-present) The Obsessed, Wino, Probot (live), ex-Premonition 13, ex-Spirit Caravan, ex-The Hidden Hand, ex-Shine, Wino & Conny Ochs, ex-Place of Skulls, ex-Saint Vitus, ex-Bedemon (live), ex-Mentors (live), ex-Lost Breed, ex-Victor Griffin, ex-Warhorse
Scott Kelly - Guitars, Vocals (2008-present) Corrections House, Neurosis, Scott Kelly, Mastodon (live), Blood & Time, Tribes of Neurot, Absent in Body, Mirrors for Psychic Warfare, Razors in the Night, The Road Home, Violent Coercion, ex-Milk Cult, ex-Scott Kelly and The Road Home
Dale Crover - Drums, Vocals (2009-present) Crystal Fairy, Melvins, Porn, Fantômas (live), ex-Red Alpha Royale, Altamont, Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends, Dale Crover, Plainfield, Primitive Race, Sawed Off, ex-Eyehategod (live), ex-Fecal Matter, ex-Nirvana, ex-Tres Padres, ex-Honky (live)
▼ Byli muzycy
Chris Hakius - Drums (2008-2009) ex-Asbestos Death, ex-Om, ex-Sleep, ex-The Sabians
2009 - Shrinebuilder
2011 - Coextinction Release 3 [single]
2011 - Live in Europe 2010 [live]
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Sh ... 3540292809
BC: https://shrinebuilder.bandcamp.com/music
Siódmego kwietnia tego roku światło dzienne ujrzy kolejne wydawnictwo z udziałem Weinricha, tym razem pod szyldem The Obsessed, które też wraca do czynnego koncertowania. Tytuł czwartego albumu w historii zespołu to Sacred.
1. Sodden Jackal
2. Punk Crusher
3. Sacred
4. Haywire
5. Perseverance of Futility
6. It's Only Money
7. Cold Blood
8. Stranger Things
9. Razor Wire
10. My Daughter My Sons
11. Be the Night
12. Interlude
Dwa utwory z nowej płyty - Razor Wire oraz Be the Night: