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Rejestracja: 7 lat temu





Asva to moim skromnym zdaniem najbardziej niedoceniany ze wszystkich zespołów drone doom / doom metalowych. Projekt działa od 2003 roku, jest złożony z ludzi znanych między innymi z: Burning Witch, Master Musicians Of Bukkake, Melvins, Sunn o))), czy też samego Treya Spruance'a. Ekipie przewodzi G. Stuart Dahlquist. Poza tym na albumach Asvy w roli gości pojawili się: Jarboe, Toby Driver, Edward Ka-Spel i wielu innych.

To co wyróżnia zespół z całej rzeszy hord uprawiających drone metal jest niebywałe wyczucie kompozycji i chęć eksperymentowania. Album oparty na organach i syntezatorach? Proszę bardzo.

Jake Weller - Trumpet
G. Stuart Dahlquist / G. Subharmonium - Bass, Organ (2003-present) ex-Burning Witch, The Poisoned Glass, ex-Goatsnake, ex-Sunn O))), ex-Brokaw, ex-Dama/Libra, ex-Hungry Crocodiles, ex-Magnaaflux, ex-Loaded (live)
Greg Gilmore - Drums (2008-present) ex-Geoff Tate, ex-10 Minute Warning, ex-Land, ex-Mother Love Bone, ex-Skin Yard
Toby Driver - Vocals, Guitars (2010-present) Kayo Dot, Vaura, ex-Maudlin of the Well, Oixisha, Snares of Sixes, Tartar Lamb II, Toby Driver, Secret Chiefs 3 (live), ex-Gregor Samsa, ex-Tartar Lamb
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Andrew McInnis - Organ Fungal Abyss, ex-Girth, ex-Master Musicians of Bukkake, ex-Trannysaurus Rox / T-Rox
Dylan Carlson - Guitars (2003) Earth, Drcarlsonalbion, Dylan Carlson
Brad "B.R.A.D." Mowen - Vocals, Drums (2003-2008) Sorm, ex-Burning Witch, ex-Lesbian, ex-Say 10 Hail Marys, ex-Your Cell: Yourself, ex-Cryptic Slaughter, Crack Sabbath, Lowlife, Master Musicians of Bukkake, ex-Girth, ex-The Accüsed, ex-Sweaty Nipples, ex-Tear Zero
John Schuller - Guitars (2004-2007) ex-Master Musicians of Bukkake
Trey Spruance - Guitars, Keyboards, Samples (2004-2008) Mr. Bungle, ex-Scourge, ex-Faxed Head, Secret Chiefs 3, ex-Faith No More (live), ex-Holy Vehm, ex-Noddingturd Fan, ex-Pop-O-Pies, ex-The Three Doctors Band, ex-Weird Little Boy
Troy Swanson - Organ (2004-2007) ex-Grey (live), ex-Mabuse
Jessika Kenney - Vocals (2004-2007) Jessika Kenney
Billy Anderson - Vocals, Guitars (2004) High Tone Son of a Bitch, Trilobite, Deathstench (live), Tribes of Neurot, ex-Solodolor, Curezum, HZ, Spilth *!%, ex-Melvins, ex-Porn (The Men Of), ex-Blessing the Hogs, ex-Good God
Daniel La Rochelle - Guitars (2005) ex-Lesbian, ex-Your Cell: Yourself, Fungal Abyss, Shitty Person
Milky Burgess - Guitars (2007-2008) Master Musicians of Bukkake, ex-Shitty Person
Holly Johnson - Vocals [Session] (2007)
Ben Thomas - Percussion [Session] (2008) ex-Lesbian, ex-The Abodox, Blouseusa, Fungal Abyss, Shitty Person, UbuludU
David Webb - Guitars (2009) Girth, Spacebag, Wah Wah Exit Wound
Rick Troy - Guitars (2009) ex-Brokaw, ex-Hungry Crocodiles
Asva (2005)

2004 - Caprichos 1-80 / Rift Canyon Dreams [split z Burning Witch]
2005 - Futurists Against the Ocean
2005 - Bootsykronos Go Fuck Yourself Demos [demo]
2005 - The Third Plagues / A Trap for Judges [EP]
2008 - Live In London, September 8, 2005 [live]
2008 - What You Don't Know Is Frontier
2011 - Presences of Absences
2012 - Empires Should Burn... [kolaboracja z Philippe Petit]
2013 - Bring Me a Monkey [single]
2013 - Surprize - Northsix, Brooklyn 4.20.05 [live]


BC: https://philippepetitamusicaltravel-age ... .com/music

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Posty: 4516
Rejestracja: 8 lat temu


What You Don't Know Is Frontier zajebiste, nawet ostatnio słuchałem kilka razy. Bardzo harmoniczne i wpadające w ucho granie, chociaż ciągle jest to dronemetalowy, pełzający, gitarowy pływ powietrza.
Panzer Division Nightwish
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Posty: 3564
Rejestracja: 6 lat temu


DiabelskiDom pisze: 4 lata temu What You Don't Know Is Frontier zajebiste
Dzięki za polecankę @pit.
Moje ucho mówi, sprawdzaj kapelę. Zawsze słucham swojego ucha. Nosa rzadziej niestety, a powinienem..
Niech nam żyje Stała Plancka!