Amorphis powstał w 1990 roku w Helsinkach z inicjatywy Esy Holopainena i Jana Rechbergera. Skład uzupełnili wokal/git Tomi Koivusari i bas Olli-Pekka Laine. Po nagraniu pierwszego demo podpisali kontrakt z Relapse Records. W 1991 Amorphis nagrał sześć piosenek na wspólnym albumie z Incantation, jednak split się nie ukazał (dwa kawałki poszły na EP Privilige of Evil). Debiutancki album "The Karelian Isthmus" nagrano w 1992 r. pod czujnym okiem (uchem) Thomasa Skogsberga za heblami. W wyniku tej kooperacji pojawił się death metalowy szybki krążek, który był i jest do dzisiaj najbardziej brutalnym w karierze Finów. Do dzisiaj kopie tyłek tempami i growlingiem.
Drugi album to zmiana stylu - arcydzieło jakim jest "Tales From The Thousand Lakes" to połączenie death/doom metalu z klawiszami, ciężkimi gitarami i niskim growlem. Płyta poświęcona została narodowemu eposowi Finów - Kalevali.
Kolejny album "Elegy" to porzucenie growlu na rzecz czystego śpiewu nowego wokalisty Pasi Koskinena i złagodzenie brzmienia. Tematyka to również fińska tradycja oparta o książkę Kanteletar.
Olli-Pekka Laine - Bass (1990-2000, 2017-present) Barren Earth, Mannhai, ex-Chaosbreed, ex-Nuxvomica, Kiljuvelka-70, ex-Rytmihäiriö
Jan Rechberger - Drums (1990-1995, 2002-present), Keyboards (1992-1993) Jonne, ex-Violent Solution, Grease Helmet, ex-Ajattara
Esa Holopainen - Guitars (lead) (1990-present) ex-Chaosbreed, ex-Tuska20, ex-Violent Solution
Tomi Koivusaari - Guitars (rhythm) (1990-present), Vocals (1990-1997, 2010) Abhorrence, Verenpisara, ex-Ajattara, ex-Violent Solution, ex-Jam-Bore, ex-Karuselli, ex-Rebirth, ex-Velcra
Santeri Kallio - Keyboards (1999-present) Jonne, ex-Kyyria, ex-Tuska20, Verenpisara
Tomi Joutsen - Vocals (2004-present) Corpse Molester Cult, Hallatar, Sinisthra, ex-Funeral Jacket, ex-Käsi, ex-Tuska20, ex-Nevergreen, Feelings, ex-The Candles Burning Blue
Kim Rantala - Keyboards (1994-1998) Kim Rantala
Pekka Kasari - Drums (1995-2002) Pahuuden Prototyyppi, Stone, ex-Road Crew, ex-Ajattara, ex-Demolisher
Pasi Koskinen - Vocals (1995-2004) Ajattara, Amputory, ex-To Separate the Flesh from the Bones, Datura Nemesis, ex-Mannhai, ex-Shape of Despair, ex-St. Mucus
Niclas Etelävuori - Bass, Vocals (backing) (2000-2017) ex-Kyyria, ex-To Separate the Flesh from the Bones, Flat Earth, Grease Helmet, ex-Verenpisara
Marko Waara - Vocals (lead) (1995) TunnelVision
Markku Niiranen - Guitars (rhythm) (1996) Stone, ex-Corporal Punishment, ex-Airdash
Janne Puurtinen - Keyboards (1998) Daniel Lioneye, ex-Tuska20, ex-Casket, ex-HIM
Santeri Kallio - Keyboards (1998) Jonne, ex-Kyyria, ex-Tuska20, Verenpisara
Olli-Pekka Laine - Bass (2010, 2017) Barren Earth, Mannhai, ex-Chaosbreed, ex-Nuxvomica, Kiljuvelka-70, ex-Rytmihäiriö
Jussi Ahlroth - Bass (2010) Abhorrence, Spiha, ex-Disaster, ex-Rebirth
Pekka Kasari - Drums (2010) Pahuuden Prototyyppi, Stone, ex-Road Crew, ex-Ajattara, ex-Demolisher
Kasper Mårtenson - Keyboards (2010) Turisas (live), Sea Reach, Sininen Hevonen, ex-Barren Earth, ex-Mannhai
Kim Rantala - Keyboards (2010) Kim Rantala
Pasi Koskinen - Vocals (2010) Ajattara, Amputory, ex-To Separate the Flesh from the Bones, Datura Nemesis, ex-Mannhai, ex-Shape of Despair, ex-St. Mucus
Sakari Kukko - Saxophone, Flute (2012-2014) Piirpauke
Mari Multanen - Vocals (backing) (2012-2013) Reversion, SoulDump, ex-Rytmihäiriköt
1991 - Disment of Soul [demo]
1991 - Amorphis [single]
1992 - The Karelian Isthmus
1993 - Privilege of Evil [EP]
1994 - Tales from the Thousand Lakes
1994 - Black Winter Day [single]
1995 - Black Winter Day / Fear [split]
1996 - Elegy
1997 - My Kantele / Black-Ash Inheritance [split]
1997 - My Kantele [single]
1999 - Divinity / Northern Lights [single]
1999 - Tuonela
2000 - Value Box [kompilacja]
2000 - Story - 10th Anniversary [kompilacja]
2001 - Alone [single]
2001 - Am Universum
2003 - Mourning Soil [single]
2003 - Far From The Sun [EP]
2003 - Day of Your Beliefs [single]
2003 - Far from the Sun
2003 - Evil Inside [single]
2003 - Chapters [kompilacja]
2004 - Far from the Sun / The Audio Injected Soul / Warkult [split]
2004 - Relapse Singles Series Vol. 4 [split]
2006 - House of Sleep [single]
2006 - Eclipse
2006 - The Smoke [single]
2007 - Her Alone [single]
2007 - Silent Waters [single]
2007 - Silent Waters
2009 - Silver Bride [single]
2009 - Skyforger
2009 - From the Heaven of My Heart [single]
2009 - Martyr of the Free Word / From the Heaven of My Heart [split]
2010 - Forging the Land of Thousand Lakes [video]
2010 - Magic & Mayhem - Tales from the Early Years
2011 - You I Need [single]
2011 - The Beginning of Times
2013 - Hopeless Days [single]
2013 - Mission [single]
2013 - The Wanderer [single]
2013 - Circle
2013 - Best of Amorphis [kompilacja]
2015 - Death of a King [single]
2015 - Sacrifice [single]
2015 - Under the Red Cloud
2015 - Tales from Lake Bodom [split]
2016 - Separated [single]
2016 - His Story - Best Of [kompilacja]
2017 - An Evening with Friends at Huvila [live]
2018 - Legacy of Time [kompilacja]
2018 - Honeyflow [single]
2018 - Queen of Time
[jedynie wybrane utwory z Tuonela]
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Amorphis/1
BC: https://relapsealumni.bandcamp.com/music