Skład:wikipedia pisze:Holenderska supergrupa wykonująca death metal, skupiająca się głównie na tematach związanych z II wojną światową. Powstała w 2006 roku z inicjatywy basisty Theo van Eekelena, perkusisty Eda Warby'ego, gitarzystów Stephana Gebédiego i Paula Baayensa oraz wokalisty Martina van Drunena.
Theo van Eekelen - Bass (2006-2017) Siege of Power, ex-Minotaur Head, ex-Grand Supreme Blood Court, ex-Houwitser, ex-Thanatos, ex-Judgement Day, ex-First Class Elite
Ed Warby - Drums (2006-2017) Arjen Anthony Lucassen, Ayreon, The 11th Hour, Vuur, The Gentle Storm (live), Star One, ex-Aggressor, ex-Demiurg, ex-Gorefest, ex-Impact, ex-Valkyrie, ex-Elegy, ex-Orphanage, ex-Tempter, ex-After Forever (live)
Paul Baayens - Guitars (2006-2017) Asphyx, Siege of Power, Thanatos, ex-Cremation, ex-First Class Elite
Stephan Gebédi - Guitars (2006-2017) Thanatos, ex-Legion, ex-Second Hell
Dave Ingram - Vocals (2016-2017) Down Among the Dead Men, Echelon, Just Before Dawn, Ursinne, ex-Downlord, ex-Strangler, Troikadon, ex-Benediction, ex-Eyegouger, ex-Bolt Thrower
▼ Byli muzycy
Martin van Drunen - Vocals (2006-2015) Asphyx, Grand Supreme Blood Court, ex-Pestilence, ex-Death by Dawn, ex-Submission, ex-Bolt Thrower (live), ex-First Class Elite
▼ Muzycy koncertowi
Dirk Bruinenberg - Drums (2016) Patrick Rondat, Wicked Sensation, The 11th Hour (live), ex-Vulture, Place Vendome, ex-Bob Catley, ex-Ian Parry, ex-Elegy, ex-Abyss, ex-Adagio
2007 - Hail of Bullets [demo]
2008 - ...of Frost and War
2009 - Warsaw Rising [EP]
2010 - On Divine Winds
2013 - Imperial Anthems Vol. 11 [split]
2013 - III: The Rommel Chronicles
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MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Ha ... ets/105288