Moi faworyci to The Grand Leveller i Transcend the Rubicon.last.fm pisze: Death metalowa maszyna z Wielkiej Brytanii (Birmingham) powstała w 1989 r. z inicjatywy Paula Adams'a (bas), Petera Rew (gitara), Darrena Brookes'a (gitara) i Marka "Barney'a" Greenway'a, który później zasilił szeregi Napalm Death jako wokal. Po debiutanckim albumie "Subconscious Terror" z 1990 r. odszedł Barney którego zastąpił Dave Ingram.
Benediction wiele koncertował m.in. z Bolt Thrower i Nocturnus, Dismember, Motorhead, Megadeth, Judas Priest i Death, z którymi się zaprzyjaźnili. Ingram opuścił zespół po nagraniu Grind Bastard zastapił go Dave Hunt.
Muzyka Brytyjczyków to ciężki, toporny death, z miażdżącymi riffami (zwłaszcza na Transcend the Rubicon).
Wypracowali własny styl grania i growlowania dzięki czemu stali się jednym z ważniejszych deathmetalowych zespołów ubiegłej dekady.
Darren Brookes - Guitars (1989-present)
Peter Rew - Guitars (1989-present)
Dave Ingram - Vocals (1990-1998, 2019-present) Down Among the Dead Men, Echelon, Ursinne, ex-Downlord, ex-Hail of Bullets, ex-Strangler, Hellfrost and Fire, Troikadon, ex-Eyegouger, ex-Just Before Dawn, ex-Bolt Thrower
Dan Bate - Bass (2018-present) Omicida, ex-Absolva, ex-Monument, ex-Blaze Bayley (live)
Giovanni Durst - Drums (2019-present) Monument, Omicida, ex-Hiss of Atrocities, ex-White Wizzard, ex-Will Wallner / Vivien Vain, ex-Black Trip (live)
Ian Treacy - Drums (1989-1993) Absolute Power, ex-Meathook Seed, Monstrance
Mark "Barney" Greenway - Vocals (1989-1991) Napalm Death, ex-Colostomy, ex-Extreme Noise Terror
Frank Healy - Bass (1991-2017) Memoriam, Sacrilege, ex-Napalm Death, ex-Anaal Nathrakh (live), ex-Cerebral Fix
Neil Hutton - Drums (1994-2007) Warlord U.K. (live), ex-Stampin' Ground, ex-Sons of Chaos (live)
Paul Brookes - Drums (1994) ex-Sacrilege, ex-Scarab, ex-Marshall Law, ex-Agincourt, ex-White Trash
Dave Hunt - Vocals (1998-2019) Anaal Nathrakh, Fukpig (live), ex-Dethroned, ex-Mistress
Ash Guest - Drums (2014-2019) Apparition, Besieged, Subsidian, ex-Musta Talvi, ex-Orylyus
Simon Harris - Bass (1992-1993)
Nicholas Barker - Drums (2005-2009, 2010-2011) Ancient, Brujeria, Liquid Graveyard, Twilight of the Gods, Noctis Imperium (live), Nuclear Assault (live), ex-Monolith, ex-Catalepsy, Borstal, Monstrance, United Forces, ex-Atrocity, ex-Cradle of Filth, ex-Dimmu Borgir, ex-Leaves' Eyes, ex-Lock Up, ex-Obskkvlt, ex-Old Man's Child, ex-Sadistic Intent, ex-Testament, ex-Anaal Nathrakh (live), ex-Borknagar (live), ex-Cancer (live), ex-Criminal (live), ex-Exodus (live), ex-Gorgoroth (live), ex-Nightrage (live), ex-Possessed (live), ex-Voices (live), ex-Anathema (live), ex-Cerebral Fix (live), ex-Driven by Suffering
Perra Karlsson - Drums (2011-2013) Dreadful Fate, In Aeternum, Nex, Nominon, Toxaemia, ex-Dion Fortune, ex-Serpent, ex-T.A.R, ex-Wortox, ex-Deströyer 666, ex-Die Hard, ex-Thorium, ex-Interment (live), ex-Altar, ex-Suffer, ex-Nasum (live)
Ash Guest - Drums (2013-2014) Apparition, Besieged, Subsidian, ex-Musta Talvi, ex-Orylyus
1989 - The Dreams You Dread [demo]
1990 - Blood, Pus & Gastric Juice / Confess All Goodness [split]
1990 - Subconscious Terror
1991 - The Grand Leveller
1992 - Return to the Eve [single]
1992 - Experimental Stage [EP]
1992 - Dark Is the Season [EP]
1993 - Wrong Side of the Grave [single]
1993 - Nuclear Blast Promo EP II [split]
1993 - Transcend the Rubicon
1994 - The Grotesque / Ashen Epitaph [EP]
1995 - The Dreams You Dread
1996 - The Grand Leveller / The Grotesque / Ashen Epitaph [kompilacja]
1998 - Grind Bastard
2001 - Loot, Shoot, Electrocute / The Temple of Set [split]
2001 - Organised Chaos
2008 - Grind Bastard / Organised Chaos [kompilacja]
2008 - Killing Music
2015 - Dark Is the Season / The Grotesque [kompilacja]
2018 - The Nuclear Blast Recordings [boxed set]
2020 - Scriptures
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Benediction/504
FB: https://www.facebook.com/Benedictionband/