Szwedzkie melodyjne granie. Niegdyś słuchałem dużo, ale po Versus the World zespół zaczął się staczać, nudzić, gejowić i pedalić. Na półce posiadam The Crusher i jestem z tego dumny. Stare materiały nadal można posłuchać bez wstydu, choć pewnie znajdą się tacy, co i przy nich będą kręcić nochalami i upodlać zespół jak i ludzi go słuchających

Ted Lundström - Bass (1992-present) ex-Scum, ex-Eternal Oath
Olavi Mikkonen - Guitars (1992-present) ex-Scum
Johan Hegg - Vocals (1992-present) ex-Scum
Johan Söderberg - Guitars (1998-present)
Jocke Wallgren - Drums (2016-present) ex-Astrophobos, ex-October Tide, ex-Valkyrja, ex-Detonator (live), ex-Ofermod (live), ex-Ondskapt (live), ex-Morito Ergo Sum, ex-Vituperation
Anders Hansson - Guitars (1992-1998) Gods Forsaken, Just Before Dawn, ex-Blood Mortized, ex-Scum, ex-Pathalog
Martin Lopez - Drums (1996-1998) Fifth to Infinity, ex-Eternal, Soen, ex-Opeth, ex-Requiem Aeternam, ex-Vinterkrig
Fredrik Andersson - Drums (1998-2015) A Canorous Quintet, Netherbird, This Ending, ex-Curriculum Mortis, ex-The Plague, ex-Therion (live), ex-Guidance of Sin
1993 - Thor Arise [demo]
1994 - The Arrival of the Fimbul Winter [demo]
1996 - Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds [EP]
1998 - Once Sent from the Golden Hall
1999 - The Avenger
2001 - The Crusher
2002 - Versus the World
2004 - Fate of Norns Release Shows [split]
2004 - Fate of Norns
2006 - Wrath of the Norsemen [video]
2006 - With Oden on Our Side
2008 - Twilight of the Thunder God [single]
2008 - Twilight of the Thunder God
2009 - The Re-issues [boxed set]
2010 - Hymns to the Rising Sun [kompilacja]
2011 - Surtur Rising
2013 - Under the Influence [EP]
2013 - Deceiver of the Gods
2016 - Live at La Laiterie [video]
2016 - First Kill / At Dawn's First Light [single]
2016 - Jomsviking
2018 - The Pursuit of Vikings: 25 Years in the Eye of the Storm [live]
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Amon_Amarth/150
BC: https://amonamarth.bandcamp.com/music