Kolejne ciekawe koncerty.
A co, wolałbyś Progresję? Kaczy chuj
Nie poszedłbyś w tango, bo by Cię łyse chuje sieg-heil'owe połamały Z resztą pogo tego wieczoru było całkiem zacne (rozwalony łeb jednego z moszingowców i chyba złamane żebro tego co rozsypał...słomki do picia na barze). Co do setów...DiabelskiDom pisze: ↑7 lat temu AŚNAEBAUEM
Napiszę krótko i zwięźle - Butchery bardzo elegancko, bez zbędnych opóźnień, przedłużeń i potknięć. Anima Damnata kompletny rozpierdol, przeplecione stare z nowym w opakowaniu świetnego brzmienia. Nygtajeblisz to jeden wielki chaos kompozycyjny i brzmieniowy ale skłamałbym jakbym napisał, że taka tępa sieka mi się nie podobała. Rzecz jasna prawe dłonie powędrowały ku słońcu Possession zdecydowanie najlepszy wczoraj, inna sprawa, że mniej obytym mogło się tak wydawać ze względu na największą ich przystępność spośród wszystkich kapel. Black Witchery również świetnie, dłuższe opóźnienie niespecjalnie zepsuło wrażenia z całokształtu. Mocno żałowałem, że trochę mnie bolały plecy bo z chęcią bym poszedł w tango.
Znowu sto miliardów znajomych spotkałem, między innymi Wędrowycza z szanowną małżonką. Serdecznie pozdrawiam każdego
≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠Transmission 616≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠
From the shadow network we bring recent developments from the daemonic war against the Jehovian Godhead Program and its parasitic soulless subordinates. Within the last month, both NYOGTHAEBLISZ and HELLVETRON have, in the face of opposition stemming from weakling thought-policing mundanes suffering delusions of moral/ethical grandeur, defiantly initiated and victoriously completed numerous psycho-spiritual assaults across American soil wherein all Black Lodge operational objectives were met. However, the overall success of the aforementioned campaigns is not the topic of this transmission. Instead, the focus itself shall be on identifying and ousting the current enemy forces by exposing their deceptive tactics of emotive-thought control, media manipulation, and cultural subversion. We present the following intel to you, our co-conspirators in predatory spirituality and militant diabolism, to process and disseminate with extreme prejudice against those who serve the Global Magian Complex within the failing Tetragrammaton Simulation. The following and most recent fraudulent socio-politically charged accusations/far-left propaganda has been broadcast in an effort to derail our Dark Force Operation. -
1. NYOGTHAEBLISZ is a SATANIST faction. The O:.S:.I:.’s branch of SATANISM is both a spiritual and martial philosophy based on but not limited to cultivation of primal instincts, revival of particular ancestral practices, staunch individualism, self preservation, predatory spirituality, dark ecology, higher misanthropy, esoteric (apolitical) neo-fascism theory, sinistral alchemy, and daemonic ascendency. This is in direct contrast to National Socialism which is an inherently collectivist humanitarian movement based on the preservation of a particular race and/or nationality. There IS a race we hate above all - AND THAT IS THE HUMAN RACE.
2. NYOGTHAEBLISZ is both ANTI-ABRAHAMIC and ANTI-RELIGIOUS. ANTI-ABRAHAMISM does not equal NATIONAL SOCIALISM/NAZISM. There is no race, creed, color, religion and/or theistic organization that is exempt from scrutiny, critique, and/or attack; spiritual (r)evolution discriminates against none.
3. NYOGTHAEBLISZ is of Mexica/Native American descent. Aside from LHP, its members privately engage in Meso-American, Far Eastern, and several other non-Caucasian esoteric practices and traditions. Moreover, all vestments worn by NYOGTHAEBLISZ have been modeled after medieval occultist/indigenous ceremonial garments/capirotes and NOT after the Ku Klux Klan (as has been erroneously circulated by the false media and its failed pseudo-journalists). In addition, former label boss ANTICHRIST KRAMER has not only knowingly supported this but has also remained a close ally of our faction for nearly two decades. This fact renders allegations of “racism” as null.
4. ANTICHRIST KRAMER has done vocal attacks in the Pali language for KONFLICT,
a band which he signed and introduced to a wider audience (as he has done with NYOGTHAEBLISZ, HELLVETRON, IRREVERENT, and REEK OF THE UNZEN GAS FUMES in the past - all of whom are non-white and all of with which he has formed a long-standing personal alliance with). This fact again renders all misleading allegations of “racism” as null and void.
5. ANTICHRIST KRAMER and his labels SSP/DAR have released all variations of the extreme underground, be it Black and Death Metal, Industrial/Noise/PE, Hardcore/Punk,Dark Ambient/Drone/Doom and everything in between from extreme religious standpoints to extreme political standpoints. Freedom of expression, artistic creation, aesthetic exploration, and philosophical development are of the highest importance and WILL NEVER be censored by ANTICHRIST KRAMER and/or any of his labels because this is the TRUE spirit of the outlaw underground.
6. KYLE of KEP PRODUCTIONS (the alleged “nazi” organizer of Vengeance Fest) is of African American descent and an associate of both NYOGTHAEBLISZ and INTOLITARIAN. Logically and irrefutably, any and all charges of “racism” must be immediately dismissed at this point. In short, all individuals accusing the above-mentioned parties of “bigotry” have cherry picked baseless tidbits of information which best suited their false narrative with the intention of not only aimlessly persecuting but irrevocably ruining those they have deemed as politically incorrect, pop culturally dissident and/or unfit for ma$$ consumption.
7. SMEAR CAMPAIGNS, HALF TRUTHS, AND DISTORTION OF INFORMATION ARE THE PREFERRED WEAPONS OF THE MANIPULATOR. All allegations and attacks made towards the above mentioned parties have stemmed from the mentally infirm far-left proponents of SJW-(N)PC culture who utilize journalistic sensationalism, virtue signaling, logically fallacious apparatuses (i.e. ad hominem attacks, appeal to emotions, false equivalence), libel and slander, covert political agendism, and outdated and/or non-credible sources as the basis for their cultural subversion. They have used these tactics to convince the docile masses that YOU ALL are incapable of rationally distinguishing between right and wrong. Essentially, they are now deciding for you. Will you, the daemonic wolves of lawlessness, continue to grant them this power over you and your feral pack? If so, you are spineless, neutered, and equally to blame and your extinction nears!
So by these facts and these facts alone the proliferators of untruth MUST be identified and judged as enemies of not only our black lodge, but of YOU ALL, our co-conspirators who are independent, free-thinking, autonomous, individualistic, and self-directed. They are NOT the gatekeepers of free thought; they are NOT the guardians of morality/ethicality. They CANNOT and WILL NOT censor Dark Art because it is gifted to us from The Void and not theirs to judge or suppress. Hold the enemies of our lawless movement accountable and resist them by any and all means possible. Start by immediately boycotting the following parasites - METAL INJECTION, METALSUCKS, BROOKLYN VEGAN, and last but not least - VICE, NOISEY, and KIM KELLY.
≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠End Transmission≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠