Co za klimat, ciężar, moc.
Horror Illogium - Drum programming (1994-2002), Guitars (1994-present) Vomitor, ex-Invocation, ex-Carbon (live)
The Curator - Vocals (1994-present) ex-Invocation (live)
Aphotic Mote - Guitars (rhythm) (2003-present)
Ignis Fatuus - Drums (2007-present) Grave Upheaval, Impetuous Ritual, ex-Internecine Excoriation, Ignis Fatuus
Omenous Fugue - Bass (2009-present) Impetuous Ritual, ex-Internecine Excoriation, ex-Limb from Limb, ex-Grave Upheaval (live)
Mephitic - Drums (2002-2005) ex-Invocation
Phathom Conspicuous - Bass (2007-2008)
1998 - Portal [demo]
2002 - The End Mills [EP]
2003 - Seepia
2004 - The Sweyy / Our Dreadful Sphere [split]
2004 - The Sweyy [EP]
2006 - Lurker at the Threshold [demo]
2007 - Outre'
2009 - Swarth
2013 - Vexovoid
2014 - Portal / Blood of Kingu [split]
2018 - Ion
2020 - Tempus Fugit [boxed set]
2021 - Avow
2021 - Hagbulbia
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Portal/5471
BC: https://profoundlorerecords.bandcamp.com/music