Skład:wikipedia pisze:Zespół HammerFall powstał 1993 roku w szwedzkim mieście Göteborg z inicjatywy Oscara Dronjaka oraz Jespera Strömblada we współpracy z Niklasem Sundinem i Mikaelem Stannem, muzykami grupy Dark Tranquillity. Początkowo wokalistą tego zespołu był Mikael Stanne, jednakże od 1996 roku aż do dzisiaj na jego rolę pełni Joacim Cans, z kolei Oscar Dronjak jest w chwili obecnej jedynym członkiem zespołu, który gra w nim od początku.
Oscar Dronjak - Guitars (1993-present) Ceremonial Oath, ex-Crystal Age, ex-Desecrator, ex-The Hippie Killers
Fredrik Larsson - Bass (1994-1997, 2007-present) Death Destruction, None, ex-Crystal Age, ex-Cans, ex-Evergrey
Joacim Cans - Vocals (1996-present) ex-Mrs. Hippie, ex-Cans, ex-Warlord, ex-Highlander
Pontus Norgren - Guitars (2008-present) Pänzer, ex-The Ring, ex-Dreams Fall, ex-The Poodles, ex-Ludor (live), ex-Great King Rat, ex-Humanimal, ex-Jekyll & Hyde, ex-Talisman (Swe), ex-Zan Clan, ex-Jeff Scott Soto (live)
David Wallin - Drums (2014-2016, 2017-present) Blacksmith, Meduza, Stormwind, ex-Pain (live)
Jesper Strömblad - Drums (1993-1997) Ceremonial Oath, CyHra, Dimension Zero, ex-Desecrator, ex-In Flames, ex-Nightrage (live), ex-Sinergy, ex-The Resistance, ex-All Ends
Niklas Sundin - Guitars (1993-1995) Dark Tranquillity, Laethora, ex-Septic Broiler, ex-Dead Man's Banquet
Mikael Stanne - Vocals (1993-1996) Dark Tranquillity, ex-Septic Broiler
Glenn Ljungström - Guitars (1995-1997) ex-Dimension Zero, ex-In Flames, ex-The Resistance
Magnus Rosén - Bass (1997-2007) Shadowside, Planet Alliance, ex-Keegan, ex-Revolution Renaissance, ex-X-World/5, Magnus Rosén, ex-Avalanch, ex-Fullforce, ex-Jorn, ex-Tony Martin, ex-Von Rosen
Patrik Räfling - Drums (1997-1999) ex-Full Strike, ex-Heed, ex-Mega Slaughter, ex-Jaggernaut, ex-Aeon, ex-Highlander
Stefan Elmgren - Guitars (1997-2008) Fullforce, ex-Full Strike, ex-Cans, ex-Highlander
Anders Johansson - Drums (1999-2014) Bakteria, Fullforce, Hulkoff (live), Planet Alliance, ex-Johansson, ex-The Johansson Brothers, ex-Silver Mountain, ex-Stratovarius, ex-Tears of Anger, ex-Yngwie J. Malmsteen, ex-Keegan, ex-Blue Murder, ex-Jens Johansson
Johan Kullberg - Drums (2016-2017) Dark Illusion, The Experiment No.Q, ex-Scudiero, Zan Clan, ex-Animal, ex-Lion's Share, ex-Section A, ex-Therion, ex-Chris Laney
Stefan Elmgren - Bass (2014-2015) Fullforce, ex-Full Strike, ex-Cans, ex-Highlander
1997 - Glory to the Brave [single]
1997 - Glory to the Brave
1998 - Heeding the Call [single]
1998 - Legacy of Kings
1999 - On Tour [split]
1999 - The First Crusade [video]
1999 - I Want Out [single]
2000 - I Want Out / Hunting High and Low [split]
2000 - Renegade [single]
2000 - Renegade
2001 - Always Will Be [single]
2002 - The Templar Renegade Crusades [EP]
2002 - The Templar Renegade Crusades [video]
2002 - Hearts on Fire [single]
2002 - Crimson Thunder
2002 - Hearts on Fire [video]
2003 - One Crimson Night [live]
2003 - One Crimson Night [video]
2005 - Blood Bound [single]
2005 - Chapter V: Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken
2006 - HammerFall / I / Belphegor Sampler [split]
2006 - The Fire Burns Forever [single]
2006 - Natural High [single]
2006 - Threshold
2007 - Last Man Standing [single]
2007 - Steel Meets Steel - Ten Years of Glory [kompilacja]
2008 - The Vinyl Single Collection [boxed set]
2008 - Rebels with a Cause - Unruly, Unrestrained, Uninhibited [video]
2008 - Masterpieces [kompilacja]
2009 - Any Means Necessary [single]
2009 - Any Means Necessary [EP]
2009 - No Sacrifice, No Victory
2010 - My Sharona [single]
2011 - One More Time [single]
2011 - Send Me a Sign [single]
2011 - Infected
2011 - B.Y.H. [single]
2012 - Gates of Dalhalla [video]
2014 - Bushido [single]
2014 - (r)Evolution
2014 - Sabaton & HammerFall: Metal Monsters [split]
2016 - Hammer High [single]
2016 - Built to Last
Wybrane utwory:
MA: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/HammerFall/201
BC: https://hammerfall.bandcamp.com/music